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  1. In this article, I address how the cinematic landscapes of the film’s diegesis and form are visual-material artifacts (Della Dora 2009; G. Rose and Tolia-Kelly 2012) produced to fill the gap generated by the grief over lost ties between self (Arseniev, Kurosawa) and other (Dersu, Japan).

  2. 27 de mar. de 2010 · El 23 de marzo de 1910 nacía en Tokio Akira Kurosawa, “El emperador”, el maestro japonés más occidental, el responsable de obras de arte tan influyentes como ‘Rashomon’ (1950) o ‘Los siete samuráis’ (1954).

  3. To illustrate this point, the article analyzes the 1975 Academy Award–winning film, Dersu Uzala, directed by Japanese filmmaker Akira Kurosawa, as well as the conditions of the film’s production.

  4. 16 de ago. de 2017 · There’s the dynamic action sequences shot from multiple camera angles, the striking compositions and staging, and, perhaps above all, the preference for on-location shoots, with the landscapes and locales emerging almost as characters in their own right.

  5. 17 de may. de 2021 · His canvases depict armed battalions, warriors with disturbing expressions, and bucolic landscapes, all underpinned by the use of bold colours and strong lines. In 2008, the Petit Palais presented a retrospective of Akira Kurosawa’s pictorial output that gathered together 87 drawings

  6. Akira Kurosawa’s influence extends far beyond his lifetime, with his works serving as a source of inspiration for countless filmmakers around the globe. His remarkable craftsmanship and storytelling techniques continue to shape the landscape of modern cinema.

  7. 23 de mar. de 2024 · Llena de suspenso, simbolismos y bajo el ambiente del Japón del Siglo XII, Akira Kurosawa abrió las puertas de occidente con uno de los mejores thrillers que hasta la fecha brilla por su originalidad.