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  1. Jessica took a break from being in the lime light when she married Davy Jones of The Monkees. She worked behind the scenes as a tour manager and personal assistant to the great Davy Jones for 5 years. She also danced in numerous Davy and Monkee shows including The 2011 Monkees World Tour.

    • Overview
    • Biography
    • Personality and traits
    • Equipment and skills
    • Behind the scenes
    • Appearances
    • Notes and references

    "Do you fear death? Do you fear that dark abyss? All your deeds laid bare. All your sins punished. I can offer escape."

    ―Davy Jones

    Davy Jones was the ruler of the Seven Seas, a supernatural force condemned for eternity to captain the Flying Dutchman. Once a man who "ran afoul of that which vexes all men," Jones became as much sea creature as he was human. A fearsome captain, a ruthless and heartless beast, striking terror into the bravest of sailors as the devil of the deep, he became the stuff of various myths and legends of Pirate Lore, particularly relating to the Dutchman and Davy Jones' Locker.

    In one particular legend, Davy Jones was a great sailor until he fell in love with the sea goddess Calypso. He would be given the Flying Dutchman as well as the sacred task of ferrying souls who died at sea to the worlds beyond. Because of that love, Davy Jones agreed to set foot on land once every ten years, where Jones would be free to be with Calypso. But when Davy Jones came ashore after his ten year duty, he was forsaken by Calypso, who was nowhere to be found. So, when the First Brethren Court convened, Davy Jones plotted with them to tear the rule of the seas away from Calypso, in which the Brethren imprisoned her into the body of a mortal woman. Jones was the one who told the Brethren how to bind Calypso into human form; he never stopped loving her, but the pain it caused him was too much to live with. Soon Jones' guilt became so great, he carved out his own heart and locked it away in the Dead Man's Chest. He kept the key with him at all times and the location of the chest a closely guarded secret.

    Abandoning his duty, Davy Jones then returned to the seven seas, only now sailors everywhere would fear him to the death, for Jones had turned fierce and cruel, with an insatiable taste for all things brutal. He became a nightmarish creature; half human, half sea beast, a crab claw for an arm, and a beard made of octopus tentacles. As the legendary ruler of the ocean depths, Davy Jones preyed on wayward sailors lost at sea with the Flying Dutchman, now a cursed ghost ship. Jones also commanded the Kraken, an ancient and horrible squid-like beast of the sea, which brought the captain of the Dutchman ever more souls into joining his crew. Those who wished to avoid death and final judgment would agree to serve Jones aboard his haunted vessel, eventually becoming a part of the ship itself, forever enslaved to its terrifying captain.

    At some point in time, Davy Jones would strike a bargain with Jack Sparrow to resurrect his beloved vessel the Wicked Wench, which he would rename as the Black Pearl, in return for a hundred years of servitude aboard the Dutchman. That debt would be settled thirteen years later, in which Jones sent Bootstrap Bill Turner to give Jack the Black Spot, which drew the Kraken. Several days later, in which Jones dealt with Bootstrap Bill's son Will Turner, the debt was ultimately settled with Jack and the Pearl being dragged to the depths by the Kraken. But it was in vain as Lord Cutler Beckett of the East India Trading Company came into possession of Davy Jones' still-beating heart, forcing Jones and his crew to do his bidding. With the Flying Dutchman under Beckett's control, Davy Jones would lead the EITC Armada in the fight against the Fourth Brethren Court.

    Early life Lord of the Sea

    "Life is cruel. Why should the afterlife be any different? I offer you a choice. Join my crew...and postpone the judgment. One hundred years before the mast. Will ye serve?" ―Davy Jones to dying sailors With Calypso gone, Davy Jones abandoned his duty and returned to the Seven Seas. As a result of this, Jones gradually became monstrous, his physical appearance merging with various aquatic fauna. Sailors everywhere would fear him to the death, for Davy Jones had turned fierce and cruel, with an insatiable taste for all things brutal. Most stories told say that a terrible beast, known as the Kraken, was Davy Jones' obedient leviathan, sent to do his bidding and prey on unwary ships and mariners. The Kraken brought the captain of the Flying Dutchman ever more souls onto his cursed ship, dying sailors forever press-ganged into servitude. Those who joined his crew were bound to serve aboard his ship for one hundred years, but like Jones, their appearance merged with various aquatic fauna. However, unlike Jones, the effect of the deal was that they lose their humanity, which worsened over time, until they become part of the ship itself. Jones became a tyrant on his ship, and mercilessly pushed his crew to exhaustion, allowing his sadistic officers to enforce vicious punishments for even minor offenses. Eventually crew members lost their humanity in soul as well as in body. Jones wreaked havoc on the Seven Seas, and created an aura of fear wherever he sailed, only able to set foot on land once a decade.

    Back from the dead

    At first, Jones' fate was unclear. Sir Thomas Faye, witness of the battle, wrote on his EITC files that Jones was believed to have died when he fell into the maelstrom, in spite that he didn't have any solid evidence to prove it. It was implied, however, that Davy Jones finally merged with Calypso, the sea that he had once been in love with, and that he had found peace. With his death, Davy Jones was welcomed back into the dark embrace of the seas; for Calypso in her own way still loved him. His ship, the Flying Dutchman, received a new captain: Jones' killer Will Turner. However, approximately two decades after the battle of Calypso's maelstrom, Jones returned from the dead. Mysteriously still under the curse of the Flying Dutchman, one stormy night he walked on land and entered the house of Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann who were finally reunited when the destruction of the Trident of Poseidon broke Will's curse. Jones slowly stepped into the Turners' bedroom and raised the crab-like claw on his left arm to strike at them. A lightning then occured causing Jones to teleport before Will woke up. The terrified Turner saw only the empty room and immediately returned to sleep, failing to notice barnacles and sea water on the floor. Jones' further fate is unknown.

    "Many things you were, Davy Jones. But never cruel. You have corrupted your purpose...and so yourself."

    ―Tia Dalma to Davy Jones

    Davy Jones was known for his sadistic ways, showing no more care for his own crew than his foes. Cruel, hateful, and truculent, Jones was a creature of malice. Perhaps a nihilist as a result of Calypso's perceived betrayal, the only thing he seemed to enjoy was to ensure the lives of those around him were as miserable and joyless as his own one. He regularly mistreated his own crew as well, believing that all humans should suffer through the afterlife with much pain; this is backed up by his proclamation of "Life is cruel. Why should the afterlife be any different?"

    Jones was not credulous and therefore when somebody had a debt to him or performed a mission for him, he used to mark them with a magical sign or kept a good-faith payment, which allowed Jones to ensure that this person will do what he requested from him. Nevertheless he had some trust in at least some of his crewmen as evidenced by the fact that on certain occasions he allowed them to go ashore when this was necessary and he even had four most trusted mates aboard the Dutchman: Maccus, Ratlin, Penrod and Angler. Although Jones demanded good faith from others, he was treacherous and unreliable and felt no obligation to return in kind.

    However, when it came to matters of love, Jones was somewhat sympathetic, revealing a softer side, hidden under years of guilt, anger, and bitterness. Even after she betrayed him, Jones still loved Calypso, and her name was the last word he ever uttered before his death. Although he was enraged about her betrayal he also said that his heart would always belong to her. Despite having stated that love was a "dreadful bond" Jones appeared to have shed a tear when Jack Sparrow told him that Will Turner was in love and due to be married. However, upon discovering this love, Jones didn't hesitate to stab Will in the heart in the presence of Elizabeth Swann, who had just married Will, despite understanding their feelings for each other since he had felt those feelings himself.

    Jones' physical mannerisms were distinctive. He had a strong Scottish accent which was accented by various vocal and facial tics, snorting, as well as having an unctuous and mocking laugh. He would commonly extend vowel sounds and was known to release water through his mouth when in despair or rage.

    "...Nice sword."

    ―Davy Jones commenting on his new sword.

    His position as the captain of the Flying Dutchman and the Ferryman to the Underworld gave Jones his ability to switch between the worlds of the dead and the living. This power was most likely the reason for other supernatural traits of him, including the abilities to teleport himself and walk through solid objects. Jones was also able to restore the Wicked Wench when he raised the ship from the depths, after it was burned by the East India Trading Company. However, this position had some negative consequences as well: He could not go on land, except for one day in ten years and by abandoning his duty as the ferryman to the afterlife he brought a curse upon himself and his crew which caused their transformation into fish-men. However, he is shown standing on the sandbar with both feet in a bucket of water, indicating that there may be loopholes to not being able to set foot on land.

    Jones had also the power to control and call forth the Kraken, a sea monster which could destroy ships upon command by Jones and hunted every person marked with a Black Spot across the seas. Although every member of his crew was able to mark any individual with the Black Spot, only Jones himself could remove it.

    Some of Jones physical abilities were also enhanced by his position, he was shown to be superhumanly strong several times, most notably during his last battle, with one hand he lifted both Jack Sparrow and Dead Man's Chest, and did not show much discomfit in performing this act. His large left arm being that of a crustacean gave unique properties as well: such as snapping a sword, rendering people insensate with a single hit and being impervious to things like fire to due the thick shell.

    "Missed! Did you forget? I'm a heartless wretch!"

    "Davy Jones is a deeply damaged and isolated individual. He's wounded so deeply that he determines that he will live a kind of semi-life, as long as it means he doesn't have to feel anything anymore. And so, he's torn out the center of all feeling—his heart—and locks it in a special chest. He also has control of a 'pet,' as it's sometimes referred to, which is the Kraken—a sea monster which is the likes of which you’ve never seen before, entirely malevolent, evil and powerful beyond expression. If you possess Davy Jones' heart, you control not only him, but the Kraken as well, which in effect gives you control of the oceans."

    ―Bill Nighy

    •Davy Jones was first mentioned by the Pirate Captain of the Wicked Wench in Walt Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean in Disneyland, and Thurl Ravenscroft's 1966 narration recorded for the ride.

    •Davy Jones was portrayed by Bill Nighy in Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest and At World's End. Mark Wherry was his organ-playing double and Thomas DuPont was his stunt double in At World's End. He was voiced by Robin Atkin Downes in the At World's End video game and Kingdom Hearts III.' It's currently unknown who voiced Davy Jones in The Legend of Captain Jack Sparrow attraction. The character made a cameo appearance in Dead Men Tell No Tales, but with no actor credited as it was a CGI silhouette.

    •Before officially casting Bill Nighy for Dead Man's Chest, producers also met with Jim Broadbent, Iain Glen and Richard E. Grant for the role, as well as Christopher Walken and Ian McShane (who later went to portray Blackbeard in On Stranger Tides).

    •The legend of Davy Jones' Locker is hundreds of years old (found in works such as Treasure Island) though previously not connected to the legends of the Flying Dutchman and the Kraken. Knowing there was a wealth of legends to draw from for Dead Man's Chest and At World's End, screenwriters Ted Elliott and Terry Rossio combined the Dutchman with the myth of Davy Jones, who was recognized as sort of the devil of the deep. Following the success of Pirates of the Caribbean, the connection of these legends was featured in some other works, including the Pirates of Davy Jones' Curse expansion of the Pirates Constructable Strategy Game where Davy Jones is also portrayed as the captain of the Flying Dutchman or the Pirates: Quest For Davy Jones' Gold board game in which the Kraken protects Jones' treasures.

    Non-canon appearances

    •Walt Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean (post-2006 revamp)

    1.Unscripted with The Pirates of The Caribbean Cast - YouTube

    2.Bill Nighy Breaks Down His Most Iconic Characters | British GQ - YouTube

    3."The director (Gore Verbinski) asked me to do Dutch, and I don't do Dutch. So I decided on Scottish." - Bill Nighy

    4.Estimation based on actor Bill Nighy's height.

    5.James "Jim" Carson's calendar of Henry Turner's waiting for Will Turner's return from Dead Men Tell No Tales shows that Will Turner's first visit to his family after ten years of captaining the Flying Dutchman, which is shown in the after credits scene of At World's End, occurred in August 1739, which means the Battle of Calypso's maelstrom and Jones' death occurred in August 1729.

    6.Pirates of the Caribbean: 7.Pirates of the Caribbean: 8.POTC2 Presskit

  2. Davy Jones was in relationships with Gillian Holt (1994 - 2001), Sally Field (1965 - 1966) and Heather Daltrey (1964 - 1965). Davy Jones had encounters with Lynne Randell (1968), Lulu (1967) and Deana Martin (1967).

    • December 30, 1945
    • February 29, 2012
    • davy jones girlfriend1
    • davy jones girlfriend2
    • davy jones girlfriend3
    • davy jones girlfriend4
    • davy jones girlfriend5
  3. Davy Jones is a fictional character in the Pirates of the Caribbean film series based upon the legendary character of the same name. He is portrayed through motion capture by Bill Nighy and voiced by Nighy and Robin Atkin Downes.

  4. In the days of myth and legend, the beautiful Calypso, daughter of Atlas, ruled the wine-dark seas, and all sailors everywhere both loved and feared her. But because she too had mortal blood, Calypso fell in love with a young sailor, named Davy Jones.

  5. › wiki › Tia_DalmaTia Dalma - Wikipedia

    Tia Dalma is a fictional character from Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean franchise, making her debut in Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest. She is a voodoo and hoodoo practitioner who once was in love with the pirate Davy Jones, and ultimately cursed him after his betrayal toward her and abandonment of his duties.

  6. There, she briefly conversed with Davy Jones, now aware of the intention to release the goddess from her human form, despite the agreement he made with the First Court to imprison her forever, an agreement which she was still unaware of.