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  1. Louis XIV. French Monarch. The longest-reigning monarch in The World, Louis ascended the throne at the age of four with his mother, Anne of Austria, acting as regent and her adviser, Cardinal Jules Raymond Mazarin, serving as first minister.

  2. Louis XIVs body was found to be fairly intact, and so was that of his grandfather Henri IV. The latter, since the Parisians still quite liked him, was put on display in his open lead casket for several days, before he was tossed into a mass grave.

  3. Deep in the central Bourbon crypt, the revelations of the first coffin to be opened, that of the dynasty’s progenitor King Henri IV (1553-1610), caused a sensation: eerily torchlit, the corpse and shroud proved stunningly well preserved.

  4. The last journey of Louis XIV. Saint-Denis, the Royal necropolis. Although Saint-Denis Basilica had been used for funerals right from the start, it was Louis IX, the future Saint Louis, who finally established the tradition of burying monarchs there.

  5. The Plundering Of The Royal Tombs of Saint-Denis. The Basilique royale de Saint-Denis has been the burial side of French Monarchs for centuries. Saint Denis, after which the Basilique was named, is the Parton Saint of Paris. You can find images of him carrying his head all over the city and France.

  6. His own tomb, made of silver, was destroyed during the Hundred Years War. 46 kings, 32 queens, 63 princes and princesses as well as 10 great officers of the Crown lay there until the French Revolution.

  7. After a week of agonising pain, four days before his 77th birthday, Louis XIV died in Versailles just after 8.15 am on 1 September. He had been king for 72 years, the longest reign in the history of France. A new reign, which would be almost as long (1715-1774), was about to begin: that of Louis XV.