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  1. 28 de abr. de 2013 · Violetta y León | Violetta. Disney Latinoamérica. 23.7M subscribers. Subscribed. 9.6K. 2.1M views 11 years ago.

  2. Violetta y León interpretan "Nuestro Camino" | Momento Musical | Violetta. Disney Latinoamérica. 23.6M subscribers.

    • Overview
    • Relationship History
    • Rival Relationships
    • Timeline
    • Trivia

    The relationship between Leon Vargas and Violetta Castillo is known as Leonetta (Leon/Violetta). It began in the first season of Violetta.

    They first meet when Leon saves Violetta from colliding with some skater kids. At first, he tells Andres that he is going to win Violetta over to get revenge on Tomas, but he actually falls in love with her. Initially, Violetta only views Leon as a friend as she is in love with Tomas. However, as they spend more time together, they grow closer and she begins to see him in a different way. Leon acts a constant source of support and comfort for Violetta which she comes to admire about him. When Leon finally kisses her, everything changes for Violetta and she decides to pursue her feelings for him. Although, she still has feelings for Tomas. As a result, Violetta is constantly facing conflict choosing between the two boys.

    However, Violetta later realizes that Leon is the one she truly loves and they eventually end up together; overcoming all the obstacles thrown at them.

    For the real-life pairing between Jorge Blanco and Martina Stoessel, see Jortini.

    Season 1

    In A Disappointment, A Song (1)Leon first sees Violetta in with Tomas. He is initially interested in her when he thinks that she is dating Tomas. At first, he wanted to win her heart to make Tomas jealous because he thought that Tomas was trying to steal Ludmila, his then-girlfriend. In Episode 5,Leon saves Violetta from colliding into some skateboarders and notices how pretty she is. They have their first real conversation in Episode 6 when Ramallo introduces Violetta to Leon when they are at the Studio to talk with Beto about Violetta's private piano lessons at Studio 21. In Episode 8, Violetta falls victim to Ludmila's prank and comes to the studio dressed as an angel after receiving an email saying that there is a costume party there. Leon consoles Violetta as all the students laugh and mock her and takes her home. He soon begins to develop a real romantic interest in her, putting aside his desire to be with her just to spite Tomas. However, Leon is disappointed that Violetta only sees him as a friend and nothing more. However, Violetta finds herself turning to Leon for help and advice when she feels hurt by Tomas and is targeted by Ludmila. He helps her join the Studio and they become very close friends. In Episode 17, they are partnered together for an assignment in Angie's singing class, much to their delight. However, Violetta struggles to sing with Leon as all she can think about is Tomas and has a hard time putting emotion into their duet. Leon does not get upset at her and reassures her that she can sing and doesn't need to be with Tomas to do it well. In Episode 19, they have their first date. Violetta is very excited for their date. Herman expresses his preference and approval for Leon when Violetta asks for his permission to go on their date. Leon helps Violetta conquer her stage fright by encouraging her to sing In My Own World in front of everyone at the restaurant. In Episode 21, Violetta begins to feel confused as she develops feelings for Leon while she is also in love with Tomas. Violetta wants to be with Tomas but does not want to hurt Francesca who has a crush on him so, Angie encourages her to explore her feelings with Leon. Due to complications with her relationship with Tomas, Violetta tries to focus on what she feels for Leon as per Angie's advice. He regularly calls her to check up on her to see how she is doing, slowing beginning to win over her heart. In Episode 23, Leon has an intense allergic reaction to drinking strawberry-spiked orange juice due to Ludmila, causing Violetta to be very worried about him. In Episode 25, Leon comes to Violetta's house to check up on her and cheer her up as she is upset by Tomas. They hang out together and he teaches her how to ride a bicycle. Despite this, Violetta continues to yearn for Tomas. In Episode 27, Leon and Violetta sing More Tears, upsetting Tomas. Violetta starts to see Leon in a different way. Singing together draws them closer. In Episode 29, Leon is initially desperate to separate Violetta from Tomas so he joins Ludmila in a plan to upload a video of him giving Violetta an affectionate hug on the internet but soon backs out as he doesn't want Violetta to get hurt from his actions. However, Ludmila uploads the video anyway. Leon goes to tell Violetta that he doesn't want to hurt her, making her realize the difference between him and Tomas - viewing him more favourably. When Tomas confronts Violetta about the nature of her relationship with Leon, she tells him that they are dating. They sort of start dating but she continues to think about Tomas and is honest with Leon about this. He doesn't resent her for her confusion as he is sure that her relationship with Tomas will not end well. When Tomas breaks things off with Violetta as he has to move back to Spain, Violetta goes to Leon for support and they become closer. Their relationship begins to take off but they are still not officially dating. In Episode 33, when Leon is replaced by Tomas as the male lead for the show, Violetta consoles him and reassures him. In Episode 34, Leon becomes upset when Tomas sings to Violetta during a rehearsal. However, his anger soon dissipates as he sees her shine while singing with The Rock Bones at the restaurant. Leon gives Violetta her first kiss as they share their first kiss together. In Episode 35, Violetta's feelings for Leon begin to become stronger due to their kiss. They start to officially date. He sends her flowers where she reveals to Herman that they are dating. Violetta confesses to Maxi, Cami and Francesca about their kiss and how incredible it was. Violetta becomes sad when she sees Tomas and Ludmila singing her song, I Love You, so Leon plays it for her to sing. He cheers her up and tells her that she sings it better anyways. In Episode 36, he takes her home and Leon finds out that Angie is secretly Violetta's tutor but covers for them when he sees Herman. Herman invites him over for dinner with the family. Violetta continues to have some feelings for Tomas but she sticks with Leon because he makes her feel good and she doesn't get hurt by him. In Episode 40, Leon overhears her conversation with Tomas where she confesses she has feelings for both of them. In Episode 41, he tells her that she must choose between him and Tomas. After hearing the news of Gregorio being appointed the new director, Violetta lifts everyone's spirits by singing Always Dancing accompanied by Leon. He is impressed by Violetta's encouraging words to everyone and apologises for pressuring her to make a decision between him and Tomas. However, she tells him that she chooses him and that her doubts disappear when she is in his arms. Violetta and Tomas begin to grow close again and she is once again slightly confused between the two of them. Violetta writes Breathless which Leon realizes is about her doubts between him and Tomas when Cami mistakenly takes it from Violetta's bag as her song to rehearse with Leon in Episode 44. He suggests that they take a break until she sorts out her confusion. However, she reassures him that she is certain about their relationship and her love for him. He covers for her and Angie when Herman comes to the studio to see Leon to warn him about his (Herman's) belief that Violetta comes to the studio to meet him (Leon). In Episode 47, Leon plans a couple costume for them to wear at Francesca's belated birthday party. He comes as a medieval knight and she comes as his beautiful princess. During the party, frustrated with Tomas being dishonest about his relationship with Ludmila as a result of misunderstandings due to Ludmila's scheming, Violetta disguises herself in Ludmila's costume and is filmed by Naty almost kissing Tomas. In Episode 48, Leon sees the video and breaks up with her. Violetta becomes very sad over their break-up and misses him dearly. She tries to call him but he avoids her. In Episode 49, when she believes that Leon has put a note in her locker asking to meet her to reconcile, she becomes very excited and overjoyed. Unbeknownst to her, it is a trick that is a part of Ludmila's plan. She is disappointed and shocked when Tomas shows up instead, believing that he has received a note from Violetta to meet. Leon sees both of them together and gets upset. She tries to explain herself to Leon and convince him that she is telling the truth by trying to show him the note but Ludmila has already gotten rid of the evidence. All Violetta can think about is Leon and how much she misses him. In Episode 52, they both try to call each other but fail to when they call each other at the exact same time so Violetta decides to send Leon an email telling him that she misses him. They get back together after Leon tells her how he feels the same after reading her email. She apologises for what happened and he also apologises for how he reacted towards her. They reconcile and put everything behind them. Leon continues to get jealous when he sees Tomas with Violetta but she reassures him that they are just friends. In Episode 57, Leon comforts Violetta when she is worried that Federico will reveal her secret to Herman and about being seen on camera on YouMix's reality show. Violetta initially does not want to sign up for the reality show as she does not want to be seen on the internet but Ludmila intimidates her which pushes her to sign up. Leon helps her reevaluate her decision and makes her aware of the potential consequences of signing up. She signs up and he supports her decision. In Episode 60, they are both chosen as one of the six finalist of the show. Violetta hides behind Leon during the announcement as she is conscious of the cameras filming her. In Episode 61, Violetta tells Leon her conflict and concerns about lying to her dad and without saying anything, he is able to calm and comfort her with a single hug. In Episode 62, feeling a little stressed, Violetta asks Leon for a hug. He refuses and tells her that he'll give her two hugs instead, putting a smile on her face. This happiness is short-lived as YouMix uploads a video that shows Violetta and Tomas close to each other. Leon loses his trust in Violetta once again and breaks up with her. Violetta agrees, not wanting to cause him anymore pain. Violetta still relies on Leon for consolation and strength to sing on stage, as seen in their phone call in Episode 63. Ludmila uploads a fake video on the YouMix forum of Violetta being mean which results in her being vilified by the public and failing to make it to the next round of the contest. Placing fourth, Leon decides to drop out so that Violetta, who came in fifth place, can take his place and rightfully be in the contest in Episode 65. His sacrifice makes her yearn for him even more but she holds herself back as she doesn't want to hurt him. She is very grateful for him and finds herself constantly thinking about just him. In Episode 67, Violetta is nervous about her performance as it will decide if she wins the competition so Leon gives her a hug to calm her down. In Episode 68, Ludmila sets Leon up - making Violetta think that Leon is badmouthing her when he is actually defending her from Ludmila. In Episode 70, Leon struggles to focus on the boy band as he thinks about Violetta. She also struggles to focus on her conversation with Fran and Cami as she thinks about him. They are both reluctant to reveal to each other that they want to get back together because they believe the other person is angry and does not want to. When Violetta doesn't win the competition, Leon immediately wants to comfort her but is blocked by Angie and decides not to. All the boys reveal to Leon that Violetta actually wants to get back with him but he refuses to believe them. In Episode 71, Leon glances and smiles at Violetta, expressing how he still cares for her, but she doesn't notice, further making him believe that she doesn't want to get back together. It is clear that Violetta's feelings for Leon are strong when she glances and smiles when she sees him passing by during her conversation with Tomas in Episode 72. She even tells Tomas her desire to take action to get back together with Leon. He enters the room and tells Violetta that they shouldn't be anything more than friends, believing that that is what she wants. Disappointed, Violetta agrees with his decision, bringing an immense amount of sadness to her. In Episode 73, they both dream the melody of We Can. Violetta tries to stop thinking about Leon but struggles. She wants to remember the melody of the song in the dream but cannot perfectly recite it. Leon overhears her trying to play it on the piano and recognizes it. He later plays the melody on the piano like in their dream and they sing We Can together for the first time. Continuing in Episode 74, knowing they had the same dream shows them how connected they are but they do not get back together as Leon thinks it is best for both of them not to. Violetta writes about Leon in her diary and Leon thinks about Violetta that night. Leon can't be around Violetta because it hurts that he cannot be with her even though he wants to comfort her. He thinks that she still has some feelings for Tomas but she insists that he is the one she wants and that she can't be without him. In Episode 76, Tomas begins to seek Violetta again despite being in a relationship with Francesca. Leon overhears Violetta warning Tomas about how he will hurt Francesca if she knows that he came to her house looking for her. This makes Leon realize that he must take action to get Violetta back before he loses her for good. Meanwhile, some of Violetta's lingering feelings for Tomas begin to come back. When Tomas confronts Violetta and asks for her to give them a second chance, Leon interrupts him, declaring that he and Violetta are getting back together. However, she rejects both of them, telling them that they all need to focus on the end of year show instead. In Episode 77, due to Tomas's recent advances, she starts to get confused between Leon and him again. Talking with her grandmother, she reveals, "when I'm with Leon,...I feel like I could be with him for the rest of my life...I don't want to be with anyone else. I feel happy, cared for". Later in the episode, Leon comes to Violetta's house to serenade her by singing More Tears to win her back but Tomas is also there with the same idea. However, he and Tomas are forced to leave when Herman sees them. The incident leaves Violetta feeling embarrassed. Leon continues to fight with Tomas over Violetta but she reiterates that she will not choose either one of them and wants to focus on the show. Herman soon finds out the truth about Violetta studying at the studio. In Episode 78, Leon comes over to Violetta's house to secretly drop her a note, but she sees him. She is thrilled that he is there, telling him that he's always there when she needs him. She apologises for everything (her confusion between him and Tomas) but he reassures her by telling her that he understands and that he can wait and knows that they are meant to be. He kisses her on the cheek and tells her that she has his support. She continues to ponder over Leon as she struggles to decide who she wants to be with. In Episode 79, angry with Violetta's lies, Herman decides that they have to move to Qatar. Leon learns of this news and comes to Violetta's house to try to talk Herman out of his decision. Unlike Tomas, who also comes with the same intention, Leon speaks respectfully and calmly to Herman as he tries to convince him to let Violetta stay. In Episode 80, moving away, he sees her off at her house. Violetta decides to choose herself and not to be in a relationship with either Leon nor Tomas, saying that there isn't a need to rush to make a decision and that what will be will be.

    Season 2

    In Episode 1, Violetta comes back from vacation and realizes that she still loves Leon. Leon refuses to go to the YouMix disco party because he doesn't want to see Violetta due to his lingering feelings for her. When Rafa Palmer is unable to perform at the party, the task is handed over to the students of the studio. However, they need Leon to perform so Violetta along with Andres , Fran and Cami go to the motorcross track to try to convince Leon to change his mind. Violetta disguises herself as one of the motorcross workers to get past the security guard. She writes on a sign to get his attention but a worker notices and tries to apprehend her and she falls onto the race track. Leon sees her and gets off his motorbike to protect her from the oncoming racers. He is disqualified from the race and they talk about the party. Violetta manages to convince him to go and he tells her that it's good to see her. At the party, Leon constantly looks at Violetta, noticing how beautiful she looks. She trips and loses her shoe and he goes to get it for her but is annoyed when an unfamiliar guy, Diego, gets to it first. When she laughs at Diego's joke, Leon becomes jealous, thinking that she is interested in him and leaves the party. However, she is actually annoyed and turned off by Diego's arrogance and cockiness. Later that night, she writes about Leon in her diary and how much she loves him, reminiscing on their relationship last year. In Episode 2, Violetta tries to tell Leon that she loves him but he is skeptical after last year's drama. Everyone goes to the karaoke bar but Leon does not want to. Andres comes to his house to convince him to come with him and uses Violetta as a reason for him to go. At the karaoke bar, Violetta is pressured by everyone to sing so she performs We Can. While she is singing, it is revealed that Leon has changed his mind and has decided to go to the karaoke bar, as he enters whilst she performs. He joins her on stage and they sing together - the strong connection between them is once again reestablished. However, when Diego dedicates More Tears to Violetta, Leon believes that Violetta went to the karaoke bar to meet Diego and leaves angry and jealous. Violetta cannot stop thinking about Leon and how amazing their duet was. Francesca tells Leon that it was actually her who invited Diego and that Violetta had nothing to do with him being there. The way he cares so much makes him realize that he must win her back when Fran hints that Vilu feels similarly. Diego continues to harass Violetta by coming to the studio and her house unannounced which Leon sees and misinterprets. In Episode 5, Leon comes over to Violetta's house to talk about their relationship. She explains the whole Diego situation to him and he tells her that he only cares about what's going on between them. Violetta is unsure as she does not want to hurt Leon again. He understands her concerns, kisses her on the cheek and leaves. In Episode 6, Leon decides that they should just be friends and Violetta is saddened by this. Even though he has decided to just remain friends with her, Leon expresses concern for Vilu when he hears that she has lost her mother's diary and goes to comfort her. After receiving a note from Diego, she uses it as inspiration for lyrics to her new song, Right Now. She struggles to tell the truth to Leon as she is afraid she'll lose him. Instead of confessing to the truth, she asks him out to watch a movie in Episode 8. Cami accidentally reveals to Leon the truth and he gets upset that Violetta hid the truth from him. When she performs Right Now in Episode 10, his anger dissipates as he happily watches her sing on stage. Diego comes to the studio while she is performing and provokes Leon. Whenever he gets angry, Leon goes to the motorcross track to let off some steam and talks with his mechanic, Lara. In Episode 11, Violetta is chosen to compose a duet for the show. She decides to write about the emotions of having your first kiss, wanting to write a love song for Leon. In Episode 12, when Herman is arrested, Leon goes to comfort Violetta and check up on her. They decide to get back together. He continues to support Violetta as Herman is accused of fraud and embezzlement. Violetta struggles to compose her song for the show as she is stressed about her dad and decides that she will go to Pablo and ask him to give the assignment to someone else. In Episode 14, Leon gives some words of encouragement to Violetta which motivates her to continue to try to write the song. They almost kiss but Herman catches them together in her bedroom before they can and kicks Leon out. Diego continues to pursue Violetta which causes problems for their relationship as Leon becomes really jealous. Violetta is then forced by Pablo to sing a duet with Diego and perform a fake kiss with him. Despite this, Leon trusts Violetta and reassures her that they will be okay. However, when she and Diego perform Be Mine, Violetta trips and Diego kisses her without her consent. Angry and believing that Violetta kissed him voluntarily, Leon runs off and in Episode 21, they break up. After that, their relationship becomes rocky. Violetta wants to get back together with Leon but he starts to form a growing bond with Lara. When Leon goes on a date with Lara, Diego texts Violetta from Leon"s phone to meet at the park. She is heartbroken when she realizes that he has moved on when she sees them together. Violetta and Diego begin to get close as she tries to forget about Leon. In Episode 40, she begins to date Diego. Even though they have entered new relationships, Leon and Violetta still secretly love each so they try to avoid one another to hide their true feelings. In Episode 53, Violetta comes to Leon's house and asks him if he still loves her and if there is still a chance for them. He says nothing and Violetta leaves, taking his lack of response as a no. She decides that she has to forget Leon for good as he seems to have moved on. Leon begins to suspect that Ludmila and Diego are plotting something against Violetta. He tells Violetta his suspicions but she doesn't believe him, thinking that he is only jealous and fabricating the story. In Episode 55, Lara catches Leon snooping on Diego's social media account trying to find some evidence of Ludmila and Diego's scheming. While he assures Lara that he is only trying to do the right thing by exposing them, Lara sees it as his inability to forget about Violetta. In Episode 60, a video of Leon singing More Tears to Violetta last year when they were dating is uploaded to YouMix. They both see the video and are reminded of their strong feelings for each other as they see how in love they are in the video. While the boy band performs When I Leave, Violetta cannot stop focusing on Leon even though she is with Diego. In Episode 61, Violetta is paired with Leon for Gregorio's dance assignment. Violetta catches Ludmila and Diego hugging and begins to have doubts about Diego. In Episode 62, she goes to Leon to know more about his suspicions of Diego and Ludmila's relationship but when he talks about how Diego is a liar and will hurt her, she takes it as petty jealously. Meanwhile, Lara watches them as they are talking and gets upset and warns Violetta to stay away from him. Leon continues to try to expose the truth about Diego to Violetta but isn't successful. However, Violetta has doubts about Diego and her heart has trouble believing him. Violetta continues to think about Leon and her fears of losing him. During their dance rehearsal together, Violetta acts very cold towards Leon and becomes jealous when Lara comes to visit him. In their next rehearsal in Episode 66, Violetta's mind is elsewhere as she is sad about Angie leaving. Leon notices that there is something wrong with her and tells her that she can come to him for anything. She is about to leave the rehearsal room but turns back and runs into his arms. She tells him about how she doesn't want to lose Angie again and he tells her that Angie leaving won't stop her from doing amazing things. He tells her that she needs to trust herself and what Angie taught her to shine on her own and that he knows she can do it. She hugs him again, expressing her gratitude. Later when Diego tries to comfort her, she realizes that it doesn't help and that only Leon is able to give her the perfect advice and comfort. Fran tells her that she needs to stop denying her feelings and that she needs to make a decision. Vilu tells her that she already has but Fran explains that she used her head to decide and not her heart. In Episode 67, when Violetta arrives to their dance rehearsal, Leon comes up with the melody for Our Way as he looks at Violetta. She is immediately in love with the melody. Tension arises when they get too close during their dance practice. Leon apologises for making her uncomfortable but she reassures him that it's alright. Later that night, both of them can't stop thinking about the melody of Our Way. They both have the same dream of them singing Our Way. In Episode 68, Violetta discovers that her father is Jeremiah. She begins to be at odds with Diego when he can't understand how Herman's deception has hurt her so she starts to get close to Leon who seems to always understand and comfort her. In Episode 69, instead of rehearsing for the contest, Leon decides that they should hang out so that Violetta can feel better. They enjoy their afternoon together, singing and bonding. In Episode 70, they place first in the dance contest. Along with Francesca and Diego, they travel to Spain to perform as the winners. In Episode 71, Lara breaks up with Leon, knowing that he is truly in love with Violetta and that he cannot forget about her. In Episode 72, Leon and Violetta along with Fran and Diego arrive in Spain and explore Madrid together. Whenever they are seen to be enjoying the city together, Diego gets in between them. In Episode 73, Violetta finds out that Leon and Lara aren't together anymore and gets upset at the news. Francesca begins to be suspicious of Diego when she catches him secretly on a phone call with Ludmila and talks to Leon who had prior suspicions of him. Leon works with Francesca to uncover the truth about Diego. He records Diego on his phone discussing with Ludmila how he is going to break Violetta's heart so that she is unable to perform in the show. In Episode 75, Violetta overhears Leon talking to Francesca about the video and when no one is looking, she takes Leon's phone to see it for herself. She is distraught over Diego's betrayal and Leon goes to comfort her as he realizes that she has watched the video. He tells her that she cannot perform on stage as she is too upset but she tells him that she has to as her mother would have and kisses him on the cheek. Despite her determination to sing, Violetta stands frozen and shattered on stage and cannot sing. Leon quickly rescues her by joining her on stage to perform We Can, giving her the strength to sing with him. In Episode 76, Violetta roams around Madrid distraught until she bumps into Leon and runs into his arms. She apologises for how she treated him and how she didn't believe him. He reassures her that it is not her fault and tells her not to worry. She thanks him and they walk back together to the hotel to head to the airport. They start to become close again and Leon wants to get back together with her. However, Violetta sees Leon giving Lara a farewell hug and misinterprets this as them getting back together. She acts cold towards him, believing that this is the truth. She realizes that Leon and Lara are not together and in Episode 78, they get back together when they meet at their special bench. They both sing Our Way together. They almost kiss but are interrupted by a phone call from Andres. Violetta is constantly sad due to her distance from her father and struggles to find the joy in music. Leon tries to support and console her. Due to their broken relationship, Herman asks Leon to look after Violetta for him in Episode 79. Ramallo reveals to Leon that the song that Violetta has composed, This Is My Best Moment, is a song that Herman started composing based off of one of Maria's letters. He asks for his help to reconcile the pair. In Episode 80, Leon reveals to Violetta, during the show, how her song came to be and surprises her with Herman on the stage, ready to accompany her as she performs the song. They kiss after performing the final group song, This Can't End.

    Season 3

    In Episode 1, the tour with YouMix is nearing its end and Leon and Violetta are happily together as they live out their dream. However, Violetta becomes slightly suspicious of Leon when he regularly takes phone calls in private and acts strangely. One of the shows coincides with Violetta’s birthday. On the morning of her birthday, everyone acts normal, making her confused. Leon sings her a Mexican birthday song during breakfast. However, Violetta still remains puzzled towards their lack of celebration for her birthday. Fran tells her that they all plan to celebrate her birthday after they get back from the tour but Violetta is sceptical as she believes they are planning her a surprise. Leon gives her a birthday cupcake with unlit candles for her to make her birthday wish, furthering her confusion. Vilu has to fill in for Ludmila in the show. She performs Destined To Shine and while harnessed up, due to Ludmila’s carelessness, the rope holding her comes loose and she nearly falls but Leon catches her just in time. Violetta continues to be suspicious of Leon after the show and Fran gives her the idea to follow him. She follows him, believing that he is seeing another girl. However, unbeknownst to her, Leon has planned her surprise birthday date. He reveals to her the hot air balloon date he has organized for her, telling her that he has been secretly taking lessons for two months. He serenades her while they are in the hot air balloon with the love song he wrote about her, Love Is In The Air. Things begin to take a turn as the knot for the balloon has come loose and they begin to float in the air. Leon finally safely lands the balloon, and the pair enjoy some romantic time alone while waiting for the others to find them. In A Death, A Song, Things start to get complicated between Leon and Violetta and they decide to break up. However, Violetta realizes that she needs Leon and cannot live without him. She wants to get back together with him but is afraid he doesn’t feel the same way. She feels that she is losing him and that he is getting closer to Gery, who has an intense crush on Leon. So, she disguises herself as a vibrant and flambuoyant girl named Roxy to spy on him to determine if he has completely moved on from her. She drags along Francesca who disguises herself as Fausta, Roxy’s best friend. She befriends Leon who immediately feels a connection with her, unaware that it is actually Violetta. As time goes by, Leon starts to fall in love with Roxy. Violetta knows that what she is doing is wrong but keeps the lie going to avoid losing Leon. However, when she sees that things are going too far, she decides that Roxy must go and that she must tell Leon the truth but before she could do so, Leon kisses her and realizes that Roxy is actually Violetta. He is hurt and doesn't want to see her face. However, he eventually forgives her when he realizes that he fell in love with Roxy because he is still in love with Violetta. Leon and Violetta realize that despite everything, they still love each other and want to get back together. However, Alex and Gery, who are both in love with Violetta and Leon respectively, scheme to separate Leon and Violetta which prevents the couple from reuniting.

    •Tomas-Violetta Friendship

    •Leon-Ludmila Relationship

    •Broduey-Violetta Friendship

    •Federico-Violetta Friendship

    •Diego-Violetta Relationship

    •Leon-Lara Relationship

    •First Relationship

    •Start Up: A Kiss, A Song (134)

    •Broke Up: A Reveal, A Song (1) (148)

    •Reason: Leon saw the video of Violetta impersonating Ludmila at Francesca's party

    •Second Relationship

    •Start Up: A New Direction, A Song (202)

    •They both go by a shortened version (Leon; Vilu) of their full name (Leonardo; Violetta).

    •Both are of Hispanic origin.

    •Both are from rich families.

    •Both were in Gregorio's special group

    •Both were picked for Talents 21.

    •They both play the piano and guitar.

  3. Este video de Violetta te encantará. Sitio oficial de Disney Channel: Síguenos en Facebook: http://www.facebook.c...

  4. Vilu sueña con Tomás y León | Momento Musical | Violetta - YouTube Music. 0:00 / 0:00. Mira más videos exclusivos de Violetta en...

  5. ¡No te pierdas este video de Violetta! Sitio oficial de Disney Channel: Síguenos en Facebook: http://www.faceboo...

  6. Leonetta == Leonetta (Leon y Violetta) Es la relación romántica entre León Vargas (Jorge blanco) y Violetta castillo (tini Stoessel) Sumario. Historia 1era temporada. Se conocieron cuándo León (EP 5) la salvó de unos skaters en la calle.