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  1. Ma'ale Adumim (Hebrew: מַעֲלֵה אֲדֻמִּים; Arabic: معالي أدوميم) is an urban Israeli settlement organized as a city council in the West Bank, seven kilometers (4.3 miles) east of Jerusalem. Ma'ale Adumim achieved city status in 1991. In 2015, its population was 38,046.

  2. Maale Adumim (en hebreo: מַעֲלֵה אֲדֻמִּים) es un asentamiento israelí en la Gobernación de Jerusalén, Cisjordania ( Palestina ).

  3. Ma’ale Adumim is a suburb of Israels capital, barely three miles outside Jerusalem’s city limits, a ten-minute drive away. It was established by 23 families on a hilltop about 1,500 feet above sea level overlooking the Judean desert, the Jerusalem Hills, Mt. Scopus and the Mount of Olives in 1975.

  4. 26 de dic. de 2012 · Ma’aleh Adumim, founded in 1975, does not look like anybody’s idea of a settlement. It is truly an Israeli city, and it looks invulnerable to U.N. resolutions.

  5. Ma'ale Adumim (en hebreo: מַעֲלֵה אֲדֻמִּים‎) es uno de los mayores asentamientos israelíes de Cisjordania. Está ubicado al este de Jerusalén, al filo del Desierto de Judea. Se encuentra dentro de los límites del Consejo Regional Gush Etzion, pero tiene su propio alcalde y es una municipalidad independiente del Consejo ...

  6. 5 de feb. de 2014 · Ma’ale Adumim has been under a high-risk Terror Alert. It is Hamas that causes life of unrest and conflict against this city that enjoys freedom, liberty and prosperity. The Palestinians that work in Ma’ale Adumim want to remain part of the democracy and peace they enjoy while working and supporting their families.

  7. Maale Adumim es un asentamiento israelí en la Gobernación de Jerusalén, Cisjordania (Palestina). Está ubicado al este de Jerusalén, al filo del desierto de Judea, a 4,5 km al este de la Línea Verde.