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  1. Primórsk (en ruso: Примо́рск; finés: Koivisto; sueco: Björkö) es una localidad costera del raión de Víborg, óblast de Leningrado, en Rusia. Es el puerto ruso más grande en el Báltico.

  2. El krai de Primorie, limita con China, Corea del Norte, y las cálidas aguas del mar de Japón (Mar del Este), es la región más al sureste de Rusia, situada entre los 42° y 48° Latitud Norte y los 130° y 139° Longitud Este.

  3. Primorsk (Russian: Примо́рск; Finnish: Koivisto; Swedish: Björkö) is a coastal town in Vyborgsky District of Leningrad Oblast, Russia and is the second largest Russian port on the Baltic, after St. Petersburg.

  4. Primorsky Krai, bordered by China ( Jilin and Heilongjiang ), North Korea ( Rason) and Khabarovsk Krai, and the relatively warm—although freezing in winter—waters of the Sea of Japan, is the southeasternmost region of Russia, located between the 42° and 48° north latitude and 130° and 139° east longitude.

  5. About Primorsky region. Primorsky region is an amazingly picturesque, unique place in the Russian Far East. Nature lovers will like the beautiful hills, the mesmerizing underwater world, the unmatched Ussury taiga, and the Sikhote-Alin’s mountain slopes that are UNESCO World Heritage Site. Those who prefer adventure tourism will enjoy rafting ...

  6. 23 de jul. de 2015 · Primorsky Krai is located in the south of the Far East, in the south-eastern part of the Russian Federation. It is bordered by Khabarovsk Krai in the north, China in the west, North Korea in the south-west, and is washed by the Japan Sea in the south and east. The largest cities are Vladivostok (601,300), Ussuriysk (172,000), Nakhodka (140,200 ...

  7. Primórsk es una localidad costera del raión de Víborg, óblast de Leningrado, en Rusia. Es el puerto ruso más grande en el Báltico. Está ubicada en el Istmo de Carelia , 137 km al oeste de San Petersburgo , en la costa norte del Golfo de Finlandia, cerca a las Islas de los Abedules .