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  1. The Finishing School, a 2004 novel by Scottish author Muriel Spark, concerns 'College Sunrise', a present-day finishing school in Ouchy on the banks of Lake Geneva near Lausanne in Switzerland. Unlike the traditional finishing schools, the one in this novel is mixed-sex .

  2. 10 de jun. de 2021 · Una Finishing School consiste en una institución a la cuál asiste una persona con el propósito de que lograran terminar de pulir/lustrar sus modales, a fin de poder conectarlas a nivel social (dado que únicamente contaban con dinero, pero no con un apellido).

  3. Welcome to Institut Villa Pierrefeu (IVP) the most renowned Finishing school in the world and a recognized leader in teaching international etiquette and protocol since 1954.

  4. 19 de ago. de 2019 · A Finishing School, a concept of a time gone by, once educated young women with the skills required to be considered attractive to affluent men. Surprisingly, a Finishing School of the past and the subjects taught, share some common features with today’s highly in-demand skills.

  5. Balissande Finishing School is the first traditional finishing school hosted online. It caters to a limited number of women around the world, offering an education that refines mannerisms, deportment, communication, thought-processes, and actions.

  6. Los planes de capacitación denominados “finishing schools” surgen como herramienta para que los socios tanto públicos como privados puedan superar las limitaciones que presenta el mercado laboral especializado del sector.

  7. 30 de abr. de 2022 · Finishing schools, or charm schools in the United States, are educational institutions whose only mission is to impart the social graces and traditions of the upper class to their students. At Finishing School, etiquette is the major focus, with academics coming in a distant second.