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  1. Mary Lincoln. Mary Todd was born on December 13, 1818, in Lexington, Kentucky. She was the fourth of seven children born to Robert Smith Todd and Eliza Ann Parker Todd. Her mother Eliza died when Mary was six years old. Her father, a wealthy businessman and slave owner, remarried Elizabeth Humphreys in 1826.

  2. Mary Todd Lincoln. Mary Todd Lincoln (født 13. desember 1818 i Lexington i Kentucky i USA, død 16. juli 1882 i Springfield i Illinois) var gift med Abraham Lincoln, og var USAs førstedame fra 1861 til ektemannen ble myrdet i 1865.

  3. Mary Lincoln (* 13. Dezember 1818 in Lexington, Kentucky als Mary Ann Todd; † 16. Juli 1882 in Springfield, Illinois) war die Ehefrau von US-Präsident Abraham Lincoln und die First Lady der Vereinigten Staaten von 1861 bis 1865.

  4. Mary Ann Todd Lincoln was the wife of the 16th President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln. She served as First Lady from 1861 until his assassination in 1865 at Ford’s Theatre. As a ...

  5. Young Tad Lincoln died in 1871 of a respiratory infection he acquired returning from a European trip with Mary. In 1875, Robert Todd Lincoln, the only one of her four sons to survive to adulthood, had his mother briefly committed to a mental asylum. Mary Todd Lincoln died at the home of her sister in Springfield, Illinois, on July 16, 1882.

  6. Mary Lincoln. While Abraham Lincoln usually is regarded as savior of the United States, his wife, Mary Todd Lincoln, is often remembered as a shrew and ranked by historians as the worst First Lady in American history. While she could be spiteful, dismissive, corrupt, and jealous, Mary Todd Lincoln could be gracious, caring, and supportive as well.

  7. Proprio in quel periodo, Mary Todd accettò il corteggiamento di Abraham Lincoln che sposò il 4 novembre 1842 all'età di ventitré anni. Mentre Lincoln raggiungeva traguardi sempre maggiori nella sua carriera di avvocato, Mary accudiva la famiglia sempre più numerosa. La coppia ebbe quattro figli: Robert Todd Lincoln (1843-1926), Edward ...