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  1. Æthelred ou Ethelred est roi du Wessex de 865 à sa mort, en 871. Il est parfois appelé Æthelred Ier pour le distinguer du roi d'Angleterre Æthelred le Malavisé . Quatrième fils du roi Æthelwulf, Æthelred succède à son frère aîné Æthelberht sur le trône. Son bref règne est principalement marqué par la lutte contre les Vikings ...

  2. Æthelred I (alt. Aethelred, Ethelred; Old English: Æthel-ræd, lit. 'noble counsel'; [1] 845/848 to 871) was King of Wessex from 865 until his death in 871. He was the fourth of five sons of King Æthelwulf of Wessex, four of whom in turn became king. Æthelred succeeded his elder brother Æthelberht and was followed by his youngest brother ...

  3. Æthelwold or Alwaldus (died 13 December 902) was the younger of two known sons of Æthelred, the king of Wessex from 865 to 871. Æthelred ended his reign fighting a Viking invasion, and he suffered several defeats shortly before his death. His sons were too young to carry on the resistance against the Vikings, and he was succeeded by his younger brother, Alfred the Great. After Alfred's ...

  4. Æthelwold of Wessex was a main character turned antagonist in both The Saxon Stories novel series and The Last Kingdom television series. During The Last Kingdom, he acts as the tritagonist/an antihero of Season 1, an anti-hero in Season 2, the secondary antagonist for most of Season 3, main antagonist in the last few episodes of season 3, and a minor posthumous antagonist in season 4 ...

  5. Æthelwold est un prince de la maison de Wessex mort en 902 ou 903 . Il est l'un des deux fils du roi du Wessex Æthelred. À la mort de son père, en 871, lui et son frère Æthelhelm sont encore jeunes. Un roi adulte étant jugé plus à même de défendre le Wessex contre les Vikings de la Grande Armée, ils sont écartés de la succession ...

  6. Casa de Wessex (cunoscută de asemenea sub numele de Casa Cerdic) este familia care a condus inițial regatul din sud-vestul Angliei, cunoscut sub numele de Wessex, din secolul al VI-lea, sub domnia lui Cerdic de Wessex, până la unificarea regatelor din Anglia. Membrii familiei au devenit conducători în toată Anglia de la Alfred cel Mare ...

  7. Æthelwold o Ethelwold de Wessex era el menor de los dos hijos de Etelredo I, rey de Wessex de 865 a 871. Etelredo murió por las heridas sufridas en batalla contra los vikingos, contra los que luchó gran parte de su vida. Como sus hijos eran demasiados jóvenes para subir al trono en el momento de su muerte, Ethelred fue sucedido por su hermano pequeño, Alfredo el Grande. Casi treinta años ...