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  1. Protoindoeuropei. I protoindoeuropei, talvolta chiamati, ambiguamente, indoeuropei, sono la presunta popolazione preistorica caratterizzata dal parlare la lingua protoindoeuropea, che, all'incirca 5 000 anni fa, migrò dall' Eurasia centrale in Europa, Asia occidentale, Asia centrale e subcontinente indiano. Nel corso di queste migrazioni, il ...

  2. Proto-Indo-Aryan (sometimes Proto-Indic [note 1]) is the reconstructed proto-language of the Indo-Aryan languages. [1] It is intended to reconstruct the language of the Proto-Indo-Aryans, who had migrated into the Indian subcontinent. Being descended from Proto-Indo-Iranian (which in turn is descended from Proto-Indo-European ), [2] it has the ...

  3. Sociedad protoindoeuropea. La sociedad protoindoeuropea es el conjunto de instituciones, costumbres, creencias y formas de organización social de los protoindoeuropeos, un conjunto de gentes de la Edad del Bronce —aproximadamente hacia el cuarto milenio antes de Cristo — que hablaban lenguas indoeuropeas . Debido a la inexistencia de ...

  4. l. b. s. Proto-Indo-Eropa marupakan hipotesis prasajarah populasi Eurasia nang jadi panutur Proto-Indo-Eropa (PIE), laluhur basa Indo-Eropa manurut rekonstruksi linguistik . Pangatahuan ngini datang pamulaan matan rekonsturuksi lingustik, lawan bahan bukti matan arkeologi wan arkeogenetik. Proto-Indo-Eropa pinanya hidup wayah pauncitan zaman ...

  5. The existence of the Proto-Indo-Europeans had been inferred by comparative linguistics as early as 1640, while attempts at an Indo-European proto-language reconstruction date back as far as 1713. However, by the 19th century, still no consensus had been reached about the internal groups of the IE family.

  6. L' indo-européen commun, proto-indo-européen (PIE) ou indo-européen (IE) est une langue hypothétique considérée comme l'origine unique des langues indo-européennes actuelles. Cette possible protolangue est partiellement reconstruite par les linguistes à partir des similitudes entre langues souvent disparues mais réelles et connues et ...

  7. Genetic history of Europe. The European genetic structure today (based on 273,464 SNPs). Three levels of structure as revealed by PC analysis are shown: A) inter-continental; B) intra-continental; and C) inside a single country (Estonia), where median values of the PC1&2 are shown. D) European map illustrating the origin of sample and ...