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  1. Search for: 'Camille Desmoulins' in Oxford Reference ». (1760–94)French journalist and Revolutionary. He became an advocate in the Paris Parlement in 1785, and four years later, after the dismissal of Necker, he summoned the crowd outside the Palais Royal ‘to arms’. On 14 July, the mob stormed the Bastille.

  2. Camille Desmoulins został aresztowany razem z pozostałymi czołowymi dantonistami pod koniec marca 1794 wkrótce po egzekucji Héberta i jego grupy. W czasie procesu przed Trybunałem Rewolucyjnym został usunięty z sali za akty histerii, jakich się dopuszczał.

  3. 18 de may. de 2018 · Desmoulins, Camille (1760–94) French revolutionary. His pamphlets, such as Révolutions de France et de Brabant (1789), were widely read and he was responsible for provoking the mob that attacked the Bastille in 1789. Aligned with Georges Danton, he played a part in bringing down the Girondins, but was guillotined during the Revolution ...

  4. Portrait anonyme de Camille Desmoulins, Paris, musée Carnavalet, fin du XVIIIe siècle. Guillotiné sur la place de la Révolution avec Danton . Camille Desmoulins, né le à Guise et mort guillotiné le 5 avril 1794 (16 germinal an II) à Paris, est un homme de lettres, un avocat, un journaliste et un révolutionnaire français .

  5. Camille Desmoulins wurde am 2. März 1760 in Guise geboren. Sein Vater, ein mittlerer Beamter, schickte ihn mit zehn Jahren an ein Elitegymnasium, wo er Robespierre kennenlernte.

  6. Camille Desmoulins, lettre à Lucile, 1er avril 1794 Bibliothèque historique de la Ville de Paris. Grave of Horace Camille Desmoulins in Cimetière de Jacmel, Haiti.

  7. Lucie Simplice Camille Benoist Desmoulins (March 2, 1760 – April 5, 1794) was a French journalist and politician who played an important role in the French Revolution. He was closely associated with Georges Danton, rising to prominence with Danton and in the end sharing his fate. He is noted for his justification of revolutionary violence ...