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  1. Gabriel Bethlen was Prince of Transylvania from 1613 to 1629 and Duke of Opole from 1622 to 1625. He was also King-elect of Hungary from 1620 to 1621, but he never took control of the whole kingdom. Bethlen, supported by the Ottomans, led his Calvinist principality against the Habsburgs and their Catholic allies.

  2. Gabriel Bethlen. Gabriel Bethlen ( Iktári Bethlen Gábor en hongrois ; Gabriel Bethlen von Iktár en allemand, Gabriel Bethlen din Budinți en roumain, 1580 - 1629) est un chef de guerre et un homme politique hongrois transylvain, élu Prince de Transylvanie (1613-1629) et roi de Hongrie (1620-1621, la monarchie étant élective dans ces deux ...

  3. Gabriel Bethlen 1580 - 1629 . Gabriel Bethlen bol sedmohradským kniežaťom. Jeho mincovníctvo sa spája predovšetkým s jeho protihabsburským povstaním, keď vojensky obsadil mincovňu v Košiciach a v Kremnici. Pred povstaním si nechával raziť svoje mince v mincovni Veľká Baňa. Všetky razby Gabriela Bethlena patria medzi pomerne ...

  4. 28 de may. de 2022 · Gabriel Bethlen a fost o personalitate importantă a Războiului de 30 de ani, în zona central-estică a Europei. Principele transilvan a aderat la tabăra anti-habsburgică, protestantă şi s-a războit cu Ferdinand al II lea Sfântul Împărat de Neam Germanic.

  5. 14 de oct. de 2018 · BETHLEN, GABRIEL ( Gábor) (1580–1629), prince of Transylvania, the most famous representative of the Iktári branch of a very ancient Hungarian family, was born at Illyé, and educated at Szarhegy, at the castle of his uncle András Lázár. Thence he was sent to the court of Prince Zsigmond Báthory, whom he accompanied on his famous ...

  6. Gabriel Bethlen's principality. While Emperor Ferdinand II was occupied with the Bohemian rebellion of 1618, Bethlen led his armies into Royal Hungary in August 1619 and occupied the town of Kassa (Košice) in September, where his Protestant supporters declared him "head" of Hungary and protector of the Protestants.

  7. 10 de dic. de 2015 · Gabriel Bethlen s-a născut în 1580, în Ilia, în prezent în judeţul Hunedoara, într-o familie înstărită de nobili. La vârsta de 13 ani a rămas orfan de ambii părinţi, iar domeniul familial şi bunurile din Ilia i-au fost confiscate. A intrat în slujba Curţii princiare, iar la 20 de ani a devenit comandant de oşti...