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  1. Alfred von Waldersee. Self: The War in China -- Von Waldersee and Staff. Alfred von Waldersee was born on 8 October 1832 in Potsdam, Germany. He died on 5 March 1904 in Berlin, Germany.

  2. Alfred von Waldersee. Self: The War in China -- Von Waldersee and Staff. Alfred von Waldersee was born on 8 October 1832 in Potsdam, Germany. He died on 5 March 1904 in Berlin, Germany.

  3. The present volume is the 1924 English translation of Field-Marshal Alfred Count von Waldersee’s memoirs by Frederic Whyte. “Field-Marshal Alfred Count von Waldersee’s Denkwürdigkeiten are in three volumes in the German edition. The two first, covering the years 1832-1900, were issued at the end of 1922; the third, covering the period August 1900-March 1904, appeared late in 1923. The ...

  4. Militär. 28. Februar: Alfred Graf von Waldersee wird als Sohn eines preußischen Generals in Potsdam geboren. Nach seiner militärischen Erziehung in Kadettenanstalten wird er zum Leutnant ernannt. Absolvierung der Artillerie- und Ingenieursschule. Er wird Adjutant einer Artillerieinspektion. Im Deutsch-Österreichischen Krieg ist er als ...

  5. Alfred von Schlieffen (born February 28, 1833, Berlin—died January 4, 1913, Berlin) was a German officer and head of the general staff who developed the plan of attack (Schlieffen Plan) that the German armies used, with significant modifications, at the outbreak of World War I. Schlieffen, the son of a Prussian general, entered the army in ...

  6. Alfred Ludwig Heinrich Karl von Waldersee ( 8. dubna 1832 Postupim – 5. března 1904 Hannover) byl německý hrabě, polní maršál ( Generalfeldmarschall) a od 10. srpna 1888 do 7. února 1891 náčelník německého Velkého generálního štábu . Von Waldersee se narodil v prominentní vojenské rodině, vyznamenal se jako ...

  7. 23 de jul. de 2019 · ALFRED LUDWIG HEINRICH KARL GRAF VON WALDERSEE (1832-1904) was a German field marshal (Generalfeldmarschall) who became Chief of the Imperial German General Staff. Born on 8 April 1832 in Potsdam into a prominent military family, von Waldersee saw distinguished service as an artillery officer, and became Prussian military attaché at the Paris embassy in 1870.