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  1. Mr. Hyde, the evil alter ego of Dr. Jekyll, a fictional character in Scottish writer Robert Louis Stevenson’s Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1886). John Barrymore (1920), Fredric March (1931), and Spencer Tracy (1941) gave notable film performances as Jekyll and

  2. EDWARD. HYDE 1. er. comte de (1609-1674) Homme d'État anglais et principal serviteur de la monarchie entre 1643 et 1667, bien connu grâce à son Histoire de la rébellion ( History of the Great Rebellion and Civil Wars in England ), rédigée en deux temps, avant 1660 et après 1667, et à son Autobiographie ( Life ), en partie intégrée à ...

  3. Edward Hyde, or better known as Mr. Hyde, is the dark side Henry Jekyll, unleashed by use of a potion. He has been the subject of many films. Hyde is described as "pale and dwarfish," and has rough, corded hands. Everyone who sees him describes him as giving an impression of ugliness, although he isn't physically deformed. Essentially, he exudes pure evil. Hyde was created out of an experiment ...

  4. Edward Hyde, 3. Earl of Clarendon (1661–1723), amerikanischer Politiker, Gouverneur von New York und New Jersey; Edward Hyde (Politiker) (1667–1712), britischer Politiker, Kolonialgouverneur der Province of North Carolina; Edward Hyde ist der Name folgender fiktiven Personen: Edward Hyde, Person in der Erzählung Der seltsame Fall des Dr ...

  5. Edward Hyde (Mr. Hyde) Dr. Henry Jekyll , también conocido como Sr. Edward Hyde , es el principal antagonista homónimo de la novela gótica de 1886" El extraño caso del Dr. Jekyll y Mr. Hyde "del difunto Robert Louis Stevenson. Es el lado vil, malicioso, violento y oscuro de Henry Jekyll, desatado por el uso de una poción.

  6. Henry Jekyll, y el misántropo Edward Hyde. En realidad, Jekyll es un científico que crea una poción o bebida que tiene la capacidad de separar la parte más humana del lado más maléfico de una persona. Cuando Jekyll bebe esta mezcla se convierte en Edward Hyde, un criminal capaz de cualquier atrocidad.

  7. Edward Hyde has neck-length blonde hair that is in a perpetual state of fluffy disarray. He has bright green eyes, and is incredibly expressive, often openly looking bored, excited, maliciously gleeful, angry, or despairing as he feels it. He usually wears a green waistcoat, white dress shirt, white cravat, black pants, black shoes, and a black ...