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  1. George Gordon Byron, 6th Baron Byron of Rochdale, better known as the poet Lord Byron, was born 22 January 1788 in Holles Street, London, England, and from 2 years old raised by his mother in Aberdeen, Scotland before moving back to England aged 10. His life was complicated by his father, who died deep in debt when he was a child.

  2. 28 de may. de 2024 · Lord Byron - Romantic Poet, Poetry, Works: Byron’s writings are more patently autobiographic than even those of his fellow self-revealing Romantics. Upon close examination, however, the paradox of his complex character can be resolved into understandable elements. Byron early became aware of reality’s imperfections, but the skepticism and cynicism bred of his disillusionment coexisted with ...

  3. George Gordon Noel Byron, al VI-lea Baron Byron (n. 22 ianuarie 1788 , Londra — d. 19 aprilie 1824 , Missolonghi , Grecia ) este unul dintre cei mai cunoscuți poeți romantici englezi, alături de Percy Bysshe Shelley și John Keats , contemporani ai săi.

  4. 拜伦勋爵. 乔治·戈登·拜伦,第六代拜伦男爵 (George Gordon Byron, 6th Baron Byron,1788年1月22日—1824年4月19日),中文又譯「 擺倫 」,出生于 英格兰 伦敦 ,逝世于 希腊 ,英国 诗人 、 革命家 ,独领风骚的 浪漫主义文学 泰斗。. 世袭男爵,人称“拜伦勋爵”(Lord ...

  5. George Gordon Noel Byron, kuues parun Byron (tuntud ka kui lord Byron, 22. jaanuar 1788 London – 19. aprill 1824 Mesolóngi, Kreeka) oli inglise romantistlik luuletaja. Byron on kõige tähtsamate Briti luuletajate seas, tema looming on tänapäevalgi populaarne ja mõjukas.

  6. Lord Byron, cuyo nombre completo era George Gordon Byron, fue un poeta británico del periodo del Romanticismo.Nació el 22 de enero de 1788 en Londres y murió el 19 de abril de 1824 en Missolonghi, Grecia.

  7. The most flamboyant and notorious of the major English Romantic poets, George Gordon, Lord Byron, was likewise the most fashionable poet of the early 1800s. He created an immensely popular Romantic hero—defiant, melancholy, haunted by secret guilt—for which, to many, he seemed the model.

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