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  1. Giacomo (Muzio) Attendolo Sforza en ul livadurig. Muzio Attendolo ( 28 a viz Mae 1369 - 4 a viz Genver 1424) a oa ur c'hondottiero italian er XIVvet ha XVvet kantved. Gantañ an hini e voe diazezet al lignez Sforza . E anv. Giacomo pe Jacopo Attendolo e oa e anv gwir. Muzzo pe Muzio a oa berradur e lesanv, Giacomuzzo. Goude e voe lesanvet Sforza .

  2. Muzio Attendolo Sforza (28. mai 1369 – 4. jaanuar 1424) oli Itaalia kondotjeer, Milano Sforza aadlisuguvõsa esiisa. Muzio Attendolo sündis jõukas talupojaperes Ravenna lähedal. Temast sai väga noorelt sõjamees ja peagi pälvis ta hüüdnime "Sforza" (st keegi, kes saavutab soovitu jõu abil).

  3. Muzio's third son, Bosio (1411–1476), founded the branch of Santa Fiora, who held the title of count of Cotignola; the Sforza ruled the small county of Santa Fiora in southern Tuscany until 1624. Members of this family also held important ecclesiastical and political positions in the Papal States , and moved to Rome in 1674, taking the name of Sforza Cesarini.

  4. Giacomo (1369-1424), condottiero e capitano di ventura, conosciuto come Muzio Attendolo detto "Sforza", fu il capostipite della dinastia Sforza; Bosio († 1410), condottiero, seguì il fratello Giacomo in molte imprese; Francesco († 1412 ca.), detto "Beccaletto", condottiero, seguì il fratello Giacomo presso Alberico da Barbiano;

  5. › wiki › SforzaSforzaWikipedia

    Muzio Attendolo Sforza gelang es 1411 die Herrschaft Cotignola zu erwerben, diese wurde zu seinen Gunsten in eine Grafschaft erhoben, wodurch er zum ersten Grafen von Cotignola aufstieg. Er war dreimal verheiratet, hatte zumindest 15 Kinder, neben legitimen auch eine große Zahl außerehelicher, später legitimierter Kinder.

  6. Francesco Sforza was born in Cigoli, near San Miniato, Tuscany, one of the seven illegitimate sons of the condottiero Muzio Sforza and Lucia de Martini. He was the brother of Alessandro Sforza. He spent his childhood in Tricarico (in the modern Basilicata), the marquisate of which he was granted in 1412 by King Ladislaus of Naples.

  7. Micheletto Attendolo, also called Micheletto da Cotignola, (c. 1370 – February 1463) was an Italian condottiero. He was seigneur of Acquapendente, Potenza, Alianello, Castelfranco Veneto and Pozzolo Formigaro. Born in Cotignola, he was the cousin of the more famous Muzio Attendolo Sforza and Francesco Sforza.