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  1. CEMS. CEMS – The Global Alliance in Management Education or CEMS (formerly the Community of European Management Schools and International Companies) is a cooperation of leading business schools and universities with multinational companies and NGOs. The CEMS Global Alliance includes 34 academic institutions on every continent, nearly 70 ...

  2. The European University Association (EUA) represents more than 800 universities and national rectors’ conferences in 48 European countries. EUA plays a crucial role in the Bologna Process and in influencing EU policies on higher education, research and innovation. Through continuous interaction with a range of other European and international organisations, EUA ensures that the independent ...

  3. European University Association. Ассоциа́ция университе́тов Евро́пы, или Ассоциа́ция европе́йских университе́тов, англ. European University Association, EUA — организация, объединяющая более 850 вузов из 47 стран. В ...

  4. Associação das Universidades Europeias. A Associação das Universidades Europeias (em inglês: European University Association, EUA) é uma associação que representa e apoia mais de 850 instituições de ensino superior em 47 países, oferecendo um fórum para cooperação e troca de informações das diretrizes de educação e pesquisa ...

  5. Asociace evropských univerzit. Některá data mohou pocházet z datové položky. Evropská univerzitní asociace (European University Association, EUA) sdružuje více než 850 univerzit ze 47 zemí a sídlí v Bruselu. Vznikla sloučením CRE a Svazu konference rektorů Evropské unie v roce 2001. Slouží ke spolupráci a výměně ...

  6. This Annual Report is proof of the Association’s concrete efforts against this backdrop. In 2019, EUA served as a watchdog for the sector in Brussels, influencing policy decisions and informing members. It also worked with higher education institutions across the continent to show the impact of universities on a broad scale. Furthermore, the ...

  7. From 29 October 2021 European University is an individual associate member of the European University Association. [2] The university currently offers 16 higher educational programs, each of which is accredited by the Higher Education Accreditation Board, including the English Language Education Program for Graduate Physicians.