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  1. En los días siguientes avanzaron 3 500 soldados más con 307 carretas tiradas por bueyes o mulas; todos bajo las órdenes del comandante general Zachary Taylor. La columna tomó rumbo a Matamoros por el camino del arroyo Colorado, un trayecto no muy agradable y difícil de seguir, con llanuras arenosas, escasa vegtación, poca agua, abundantes tarántulas y víboras de cascabel.

  2. Zachary Taylor. Zachary Taylor was born on November 24, 1784 in Virginia, but his family moved shortly thereafter to Louisville, Kentucky. He was raised on a plantation called Springfield, surrounded by enslaved laborers owned by his father Richard. Taylor received a basic education and aspired from a young age to join the military.

  3. Richard "Dick" Taylor (January 27, 1826 – April 12, 1879) was an American planter, politician, military historian, and Confederate general. Following the outbreak of the American Civil War, Taylor joined the Confederate States Army, serving first as a brigade commander in Virginia and later as an army commander in the Trans-Mississippi Theater.

  4. After winning two decisive encounters, Taylor, facing overwhelming odds, triumphed in a battle against the Mexican General Santa Anna at Buena Vista. When the smoke cleared, Taylor's army of 6,000 had defeated a Mexican force of 20,000, and Zachary Taylor, "Old Rough and Ready," as he was known because of his willingness to share his troops' hardships, was a national hero.

  5. 11 de dic. de 2020 · Taylor became a war hero during the Mexican War (1846–1848). This started as a border dispute between Mexico and Texas. General Taylor was sent by President James K. Polk in 1846 to protect the border at the Rio Grande. However, Mexican troops attacked, and Taylor defeated them despite having fewer men.

  6. Después de la guerra contra México a mediados del siglo XIX, el general estadunidense Taylor regresó a su país como héroe nacional y ganó las elecciones presidenciales en 1848. Su mandato duró dieciséis meses, ya que murió de cólera el 9 de julio de 1850 / Obra anónima, Zachary Taylor en un campamento durante la invasión a Méxic o, ca. 1858, grabado en metal.

  7. Whig candidate General Zachary Taylor defeats Democrat Lewis Cass and former Democratic President Martin Van Buren (candidate of the Free Soil Party). Taylor won 56.2% of the Electoral College and 47.3% of the popular vote. Taylor, at the time of the election still serving in the Army, had been successful in the war with Mexico.