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  1. 1 de jun. de 2022 · On 27 March 1813, Lady Hester Stanhope, the granddaughter of Lord Chatham, rode a black stallion into Palmyra, the famed ancient caravan city. She was the first Western woman ever to do so, and she was met by a welcoming party: tribal horsemen firing guns, cheering crowds, dancing girls in diaphanous costumes holding Dionysiac thyrsi, and bards singing her praises. The procession led down the ...

  2. 26 de dic. de 2018 · Lady Hester Lucy Stanhope (1776-1839) era la sobrina del primer ministro británico William Pitt. Estuvo al frente de la casa de su tío -ya que éste era un solterón-, haciendo las veces de anfitriona y recibiendo a sus numerosos invitados. Adquirió fama en la alta sociedad británica de ser una excelente relaciones públicas.

  3. 7 de jun. de 2020 · Lady Hester Stanhope acude puntual a la cita anual con su amado Moore vestida con un elegante vestido y un sombrero.Su espíruto se mueve con delicadeza por el Jardín San Carlos, desplazándose ...

  4. Hester Lucy Stanhope [1] (* 12. März 1776 in Kent; † 23. Juni 1839) war eine Abenteurerin. Sie herrschte über ein lokales „Reich“ in den Drusenbergen des Libanon .

  5. 27 de feb. de 2023 · Lady Hester was born only a few months after Jane Austen, in March of 1776. She was the oldest child of an earl. In 1803 she moved into the home of her uncle, William Pitt the Younger, prime minister of England. She acted as his hostess and private secretary. When he died in 1806, the British government granted Hester a pension of £1200 a year ...

  6. 27 de nov. de 2021 · Lady Hester Stanhope murió en la indigencia el 23 de junio de 1839. Al final, sus adversarios la dejan en paz. Es demasiado tarde para ella. Ha contraído deudas, los acreedores la acosan.

  7. Lady Hester Lucy Stanhope (12 March 1776 – 23 June 1839) was a British adventurer, writer, antiquarian, and one of the most famous travellers of her age. Her excavation of Ascalon in 1815 is considered the first to use modern archaeological principles, and her use of a medieval Italian document is described as "one of the earliest uses of textual sources by field archaeologists" .