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  1. Prince George Yuryevsky - jasna potvrda ove tradicije. Prva osoba s tim imenom rođena je 1872. godine u St. Petersburgu. Njegov otac bio je sadašnji car Alexander II, a njegova majka bila je morganata supruga cara, princeza EM Dolgorukaya. George Alexandrovich Yuryevsky rođen je izvan braka i do 1874. godine nije imao nikakvih prava i naslova.

  2. Their son, Prince Alexandre Yourievsky (1900-1988) and his wife Princess Ursula Yourievsky, née Beer, (1925-2001) had a son, Prince Hans Georg Yourievsky (*1961), the last living great-grandson of a Russian Tsar. Prince Hans Georg Yourievsky grew up in Switzerland, graduated from a business high school and studied in Zurich (law/MBA).

  3. Yuryevsky in Russland. Im Gegensatz zu seinem Vater war George Jurjewski in der LageRussland besuchen. Sein Besuch war 1991. Er war einer der ersten, der die Grenzen des Sowjetstaates überquerte und Zeuge des Zusammenbruchs der UdSSR wurde. Derzeit ist der Serene Prince ein regelmäßiger Gast auf dem Territorium Russlands.

  4. 17 de dic. de 2023 · Mmoja wa wazao hawa ni Prince Georgy Alexandrovich Yuryevsky Tamaduni za Nyumba ya Kifalme ya Romanov hazikupotea baada ya kunyongwa kwa familia ya kifalme. Wazao wengi wa warithi wa kiti cha enzi cha Kirusi bado wanaishi na vizuri katika nchi zilizofanikiwa za Ulaya.

  5. On 1866, Alexander had a lover, Princess Katherine Dolgorukova. He married her on 18 July 1880 at Tsarskoe Selo. Together they had four children. Alexander II granted Katherine the title Princess Yurievskaya. Their first child was Prince George Alexandrovich Yuryevsky, born on 12 May 1872.

  6. Prince George Alexandrovich Yuryevsky was the natural son of Alexander II of Russia by his mistress, Catherine Dolgorukov. The morganatic marriage of George's parents on 6 July 1880, eight years after his birth, resulted in the legitimation of their three surviving children, and George gained the style of Serene Highness.

  7. Sep 5, 2023 - Prince George Alexandrovich Yuryevsky was the natural son of Alexander II of Russia by his mistress , Princess Catherine Dolgorukova. The morganatic marriage of George's parents on 6 July 1880, eight years after his birth, resulted in the legitimation of their three surviving children, and George gained the style of Serene Highness.