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  1. He was born in Mantua, the third son of Francesco II Gonzaga and Isabella d'Este. At the age of sixteen, he was sent to the court of Spain as a page to the future emperor Charles V, to whom Ferrante remained faithful for his whole life. In 1527 he took part in the Sack of Rome and attended Charles' triumphant coronation at Bologna in 1530: at ...

  2. Portrait of Federico II Gonzaga. Portrait of Federico II Gonzaga ( c. 1529) is a painting by Titian, who signed it Ticianus f.. Today in the Museo del Prado, Madrid, it portrays Federico II, Duke of Mantua who married in 1529; the portrait may have been commissioned for the occasion. The dog, a Maltese, is a symbol of faithfulness.

  3. Federico I Gonzaga, Marquess of Mantua, was born 25 June 1441 to Ludovico III Gonzaga (1412-1478) and Barbara von Brandenburg (1423-1481) and died 14 June 1484 of unspecified causes.

  4. Federico Gonzaga, I duque de Mantua. Óleo sobre tabla, 1529. Tiziano, Vecellio di Gregorio. Número de catálogo. HF07433. Autor. J. Laurent y Cía -Fotógrafo- (Autor de la obra original: Tiziano, Vecellio di Gregorio) Título. Federico Gonzaga, I duque de Mantua.

  5. 12 de abr. de 2022 · Federico Gonzaga, I duque de Mantua. abril 12, 2022. Retrato de Tiziano de uno de los grandes príncipes y mecenas del Renacimiento italiano. Aliado de Carlos V, que elevó su título a ducal. La vida disipada del aristócrata trata de matizarse con la solemnidad del retratado, que aparece como alguien fiel y ejemplar. Colección: Imágenes.

  6. He died of the plague at the age of 14, during the 1630 siege of Mantua. [2] On 16 February 1617 Ferdinando married Caterina de' Medici (1593–1629), the daughter of Ferdinand I, Grand Duke of Tuscany. [1] Ferdinand Gonzaga died in 1626. His younger brother Vincenzo II inherited the duchy.

  7. Federico II Gonzaga ( Mantova, 17 maggio 1500 – Marmirolo, 28 giugno 1540) dal 1519 divenne il quinto marchese di Mantova e per matrimonio nel 1536 divenne il ventiseiesimo marchese del Monferrato; dal 1530 venne elevato dall'Imperatore Carlo V al titolo di primo duca di Mantova [3] .