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  1. Society beauty and hostess; wife of Sir Winston Churchill; daughter of Sir Henry Montague Hozier Society beauty, brilliant hostess and indomitable partner to her statesman husband, Sir Winston Churchill; deeply involved in social and welfare work; created Baroness Spencer-Churchill of Chartwell, 1965.

  2. Clementine Ogilvy Hozier was born on April l, 1885, at her parents' home on Grosvenor Street, Mayfair, London. She was the second daughter of Sir Henry Montague Hozier and Lady Blanche Ogilvy Hozier. Her father, a retired dragoon colonel, was the third son of the lord of Newlands and Mauldslie Castle, Scotland.

  3. 27 de jul. de 2022 · Clementine Ogilvy Hozier before her marriage to Sir Winston Churchill, circa 1908. (Photo Credit: Hulton Archive / Getty Images) Clementine was the daughter of Sir Henry Hozier and Lady Blanche Hozier, two aristocrats with a notoriously bad relationship. The two hated one another, and Lady Blanche was infamously unfaithful.

  4. Clementina nacida Ogilvy Hozier, Clementine Churchill (1 de abril de 1885 - 12 de diciembre de 1977) fue una mujer noble británica y la esposa del primer ministro Winston Churchill . Aunque vivió una vida relativamente tranquila, fue honrada en la vida posterior con una gran cruz y una nobleza de vida por derecho propio.

  5. 12 de feb. de 2018 · Serene, radiant, and selfless, Clementine put her husband above her children, her interests, and the whole world. She had been frugally brought up. There was not, I think, much butter on the bread. The slice was often eaten in Dieppe, onetime refuge of the indigent. But her mother, Lady Blanche Hozier, saw that her education was surely founded.

  6. Clementine. Winston Churchill and Clementine Hozier, 1908. Copyprint. New York World-Telegram & Sun Collection, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress (48) Winston met Clementine Hozier for the first time in 1904, but the flame of romance was ignited at their second meeting in April 1908. After this second encounter, Winston threw ...

  7. Questa fu infatti la vita, nei suoi ultimi anni, di Lady Clementine Hozier, per cinquantasei anni moglie di Winston Churchill. Era nata nel 1885 da Blanche Oglivy e, ovviamente, prese il cognome del di lei marito, Henry Montague Hozier, anche se sussistono molti e fondati dubbi sulla sua reale paternità.