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  1. Address by Dr Margaret Chan, Director-General, to the Sixty-fourth World Health Assembly Mr President, excellencies, honourable ministers, distinguished delegates, friends from the United Nations family, ladies and gentlemen, I have been doing this job now for nearly five years. Sometimes during meetings, I have to

  2. Yo pondré todo de mi parte. Gracias. La Dra. Margaret Chan, Directora General, realizó su primera alocución durante la sesión de apertura de la 68.ª Asamblea Mundial de la Salud el 18 de mayo de 2015.

  3. Alocución de la Dra. Margaret Chan, Directora General de la OMS 12 de noviembre de 2012 Excelencias, distinguidos delegados, señoras y señores: Tengo mucho gusto en dirigirme a esta quinta reunión de la Conferencia de las Partes en el Convenio Marco de la OMS para el Control del Tabaco. Nuestro objetivo común es ver este tratado

  4. By Gretchen Vogel. Share: Infectious-disease expert Margaret Chan, who hails from Hong Kong, has been nominated as the next director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO), based in Geneva, Switzerland. Chan, who has spent the last 18 months as assistant director-general for communicable diseases at WHO, is best known for her role in ...

  5. World Health Assembly, 70. (‎2017)‎. Address by Dr Margaret Chan, Director-General, to the Seventieth World Health Assembly. World Health Organization.

  6. 23 de jun. de 2017 · MARGARET CHAN: Well, I want to do a lot more, but nobody wants me, that’s all (laughs). I’m working full-time as a professor [at the Singapore Management University] now, so I can only shoot at certain timings. I had a lot of fun filming Meet the MP as the director was very good, and that made all the difference.

  7. Dr Margaret Chan, from the People’s Republic of China, obtained her medical degree from the University of Western Ontario in Canada. She joined the Hong Kong Department of Health in 1978, where her career in public health began. In 1994, Dr Chan was appointed Director of Health of Hong Kong,the first woman to hold that position.