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  1. 1 de abr. de 2023 · Ivan's son with Maria of Tver, Ivan the Young, died in 1490, leaving from his marriage with Helen of Moldavia an only child, Dmitry the Grandson. The latter was crowned as successor by his grandfather in 1497, but later Ivan reverted his decision in favour of Sophia's elder son Vasily who was ultimately crowned co-regent with his father (April 14, 1502).

  2. Definition. Ivan III of Russia (Ivan the Great) was the Grand Prince of Moscow and Russia from 1462 to 1505. Ivan III was born in 1440 to Grand Prince Vasily II of Moscow (r. 1425-1462) and his wife, Maria Borovsk (l. c. 1420-1485). He served as co-ruler for his blind father from 1450 until he became regent in 1462.

  3. 21 de nov. de 2023 · Ivan's son with Maria of Tver, Ivan the Young, died in 1490, leaving from his marriage with Helen of Moldavia an only child, Dmitry the Grandson. The latter was crowned as successor by his grandfather in 1497, but later Ivan reverted his decision in favour of Sophia's elder son Vasily who was ultimately crowned co-regent with his father (14 April 1502).

  4. Maria Palaiologina was, according to Russian sources, a daughter of Andreas Palaiologos and the niece of Sophia Palaiologina, the grand princess of Moscow by marriage to Ivan III of Russia.

  5. Lived: 1440-1503. Zoe Palaiologina was the niece of the last Byzantine Emperor Constantinus XII. She spent her childhood in Rome, where her name was changed to Sophia. The pope offered her to marry Ivan III, whose first wife Maria of Tver had died. Ivan III saw an opportunity to strengthen his power with the dynastic ties to Byzantine Empire.

  6. Despois da morte da súa primeira esposa, María de Tver (1467), seguindo a suxestión de papa Paulo II (1469), que esperaba de tal modo atar Rusia á Santa Sé, Iván III desposou a Sofía Paleóloga (tamén coñecida baixo o seu nome grego e ortodoxo orixinal de Zoe), filla de Tomé Paleólogo, o déspota de Morea, que demandou o trono de Constantinopla como irmán de Constantino XI ...

  7. 20 de may. de 2023 · Simeon married Aigusta (Anastasia), sister of Algirdas. After her death in 1345, Simeon married Eupraxia of Smolensk, but soon sent her back to her family, claiming that Eupraxia was cursed since wedding and "appears to be dead each night". Eupraxia re-married Prince Fominsky, and Simeon married Maria of Tver; their four sons died in infancy.