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  1. Páginas para editores desconectados más información. Contribuciones; Discusión; Archivo:Casa Clarence, Londres, Inglaterra, 2014-08-07, DD 010.JPG

  2. Clarence House és una residència de la família reial britànica, concretament al carrer The Mall a Londres. Actualment és la residència oficial de la parella reial Carles III i Camil·la . És llistat com a monument històric de primera categoria ( grade i ).

  3. 17 de sept. de 2023 · Clarence House, just off The Mall in London, has been home to several British royal family members since its construction in the 1820s. For over 20 years, King Charles III and Queen Camilla have used it as a city base. The monarchs still live at Clarence House instead of royal HQ Buckingham Palace.

  4. A Clarence-ház egy brit királyi rezidencia a londoni Westminsterben, a The Mallon. A Szent Jakab-palotához csatlakozik, mellyel közös kerten osztoznak. 1953-tól 2002-ig Erzsébet királyné otthona volt. [1]

  5. The building was originally commissioned by the Duke of Clarence. Proper noun [edit] Clarence House. A royal home in London. (by extension) The office of the residents of Clarence House. Clarence House has issued a joint statement with the Ministry of Defence, confirming that Prince Harry will be deployed to Iraq later this year.

  6. The Clarence H. Cooke House, later known as the Marks Estate, at 3860 Old Pali Road, Honolulu, Hawaiʻi, was built for Clarence Hyde Cooke, the second son of Charles Montague Cooke and Anna Rice Cooke, heirs of the Castle & Cooke fortune.

  7. 2008-yilda The Mall -dan ko'rilgan. Clarence House — Londonning Vestminster shahridagi The Mall (Vestminsterdagi shoh ko'cha)da joylashgan Britaniya qirollik qarorgohi .. U 1825–1827 yillarda Avliyo Jeyms saroyi yonida, bo'lajak qirol Uilyam IV, o'sha paytdagi Clarence gertsogi uchun qurilgan.