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  1. 伦敦塔 (英語: Tower of London )是位於 倫敦市中心 泰晤士河 北岸的一座城堡,其官方名称是“ 国王陛下的宫殿与城堡,伦敦塔 ”( His Majesty's Palace and Fortress, The Tower of London ),因此虽然将其作为宫殿居住的最后一位统治者已是几世纪前的 詹姆士一世 (1566年 ...

  2. The siege of the Tower of London was an episode of the Wars of the Roses, in which adherents of the rival Plantagenet houses of Lancaster and York were pitted against each other. In June 1460, several Yorkist nobles, who had unsuccessfully rebelled against King Henry VI the year before and had fled to Calais, invaded the south east of England ...

  3. La Turri di Londra (ngrìsi Tower of London) è nu cumplessu custruìtu ntô mediuevu formatu da assai edifìci fortificàti ca ntò u tìmpu venniru usati comu protizioni di li nobbili. La turri di Londra venni custruita ntò 1078, quannu Guglielmo lu Cunquistaturi ordinò la costruzioni.

  4. 26 de nov. de 2019 · Torre de Londres (Tower of London) é um castelo londrino, junto ao Rio Tâmisa, primeiramente construído por William, o Conquistador a partir de 1077 e significativamente ampliado em séculos vindouros. Na Inglaterra, simplesmente chamada de “a Torre” (the Tower), funcionou como fortaleza, palácio, prisão, Casa do Tesouro, arsenal e ...

  5. Brief synthesis. The Tower of London is an internationally famous monument and one of England’s most iconic structures. William the Conqueror built the White Tower in 1066 as a demonstration of Norman power, siting it strategically on the River Thames to act as both fortress and gateway to the capital. It is the most complete example of an ...

  6. D'Board of Ordnance, d'Royal Mint, den Ordnance Survey, de Royal Observatory, d'Public Record Office an de London Zoo hunn all eemol am Tower ugefaangen. Eng Abberzuel Theaterstécker a Romaner spillen am Tower, vum Shakespeare bis den Edgar Wallace. Am 19. Joerhonnert gouf den Tower dacks als Prisong duergestallt.

  7. Tower of London eller berre Tower er ei borg i London, på den nordlege breidda av Themsen. Tower står på UNESCO si verdsarvliste. Bygginga av den eldste delen, White Tower, starta under Vilhelm erobraren. Denne er bevart, men den store festninga som møter dagens turistar er eit resultat av utvidingar gjennom hundreåra.

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    relacionado con: Tower of London wikipedia
  2. Convenient cancellation policy and 24/7 customer service to help if your plans change. Skip the long lines to the Tower of London and see the Crown Jewels without the crowds.