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  1. According to Wikipedia, William the Conqueror "ordered January 1 to be established as the New Year to collaborate it with his coronation and with circumcision of Jesus (on the eight day from His birth on December 25)."

  2. AUTORID: Kristi Jüristo, Hannes Sildnik, Kaja Ainsalu TOIMETAJAD: Kaja Ainsalu, Marit Kannelmäe-Geerts Käesolev materjal põhineb suuresti Kristi Jüristo ning Hannes Sildniku 2011. aastal ESFi programmi „Noorsootöö kvaliteedi arendamine” raames läbi viidud „Rahvusvahelise noorsootöö” koolitusel käsitletud teemadel.

  3. Learn a little, share a little, then baffle all of us.

  4. I've heard this term being thrown around in the media quite a bit, and even after a bit of research, still don't quite understand what it is and how it impacts

  5. [Archive] Page 280 noirish Los Angeles Found City Photos