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  1. Overview. Downloads. Hiiumaa Islets and Käina Bay. 17/06/97; Hiiu Country, Hiiumaa Island; 17,700 ha; 58°48'N 022°58'E. Landscape Reserve, Ornithological Reserve, Biosphere Reserve, IBA. Shallow watershelf sea with small islets, mudflats and bays. Vegetation includes coastal meadow, saltmarshes, reedbeds, juniper and Alnus glutinosa and ...

  2. This means that the lighthouses, with their beams of light, act as guides and signposts for discovering the island of Hiiumaa. Open in map. The route includes the following stops: Contract Stones. Pühalepa Church. Suuremõisa castle. Suursadam harbour. Soera Farm Museum. Kärdla harbour.

  3. Hiiumaa, together with the surrounding sea and marshes, is a UNESCO biosphere programme area. This means that, as well as caring for nature, the island must be a good place for people to be, both visitors and locals. Hiiumaa has 324 kilometres of perfectly marked hiking trails, untouched deserted beaches, rich fishing waters, moss and resin ...

  4. 10 things to do, enjoy and see in Hiiumaa. Visit the Kärdla Meteorite Crater and travel back in time 455 million years. In the footsteps of the manor people – feel the breath of history, visit Suuremõisa Castle and the Reigi kirikumõisa Pastorate. Climb to the heights and see Hiiumaa from the top down – the Kõpu, Ristna and Tahkuna ...

  5. Hiiumaa (en suédois : Dagö en finnois : Hiidenmaa) est la deuxième plus grande île d’Estonie, dans le golfe de Riga, au nord de l’île de Saaremaa, dont elle n'est séparée que de 5,3 kilomètres. Sa côte ouest borde la mer Baltique . Le village de Rohuküla, sur la côte estonienne continentale, est distant de vingt-deux kilomètres.

  6. We have assembled the wonderful places and objects of Hiiumaa island, which you can explore on your own with your family. The activities are suitable for children of different ages: the youngest as well as the oldest of your children will find something fun to do. Parents will also feel joy from discovering new things.

  7. › es › HiiumaaHiiumaa - Wikiwand

    Hiiumaa es la segunda mayor isla (989 km²) de Estonia. Con 10 623 habitantes es una de los condados más pequeños de Estonia. Se localiza en el mar Báltico , al norte de la isla de Saaremaa , y pertenece al archipiélago estonio occidental ( archipiélago Moonsund ).