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  1. Stenotaphrum secundatum: Densely stoloniferous perennial, with deep fibrous roots at stolon nodes; culms 6‒40 (‒50) cm tall. Leaves stiff, blue-grey in colour (some varieties more green).

  2. 16 de jul. de 2023 · Introduction St. Augustine grass, known scientifically as Stenotaphrum secundatum, is a popular warm-season lawn grass widely used in tropical and subtropical regions. Its lush, thick growth and deep green color make it a favorite among homeowners, landscapers, and turf professionals. Native to the coastal regions of both the Gulf of Mexico and the Mediterranean, St. […]

  3. Species: Stenotaphrum secundatum (Walter)Kuntze. Common Name: ST. AUGUSTINEGRASS. Plant Notes: This grass is widely planted and various cultivars have been characterized (Busey 1995, 2003; Komma 2003). While the rest of the genus is native to the eastern hemisphere, this species is nearly pantropical and presumably native at least to Africa and ...

  4. Los céspedes formados por Stenotaphrum secundatum han demostrado que con cerca de 20 gr/m2 de nitrógeno por año experimentan una respuesta en color y densidad aceptable. Siempre debemos recordar que todo manejo, no solo del césped sino de cualquier otro cultivo agrícola convencional, tiene o puede tener trascendencias medioambientales.

  5. Species: Stenotaphrum secundatum (Walter)Kuntze. Common Name: ST. AUGUSTINEGRASS. Plant Notes: This grass is widely planted and various cultivars have been characterized (Busey 1995, 2003; Komma 2003). While the rest of the genus is native to the eastern hemisphere, this species is nearly pantropical and presumably native at least to Africa and ...

  6. S. secundatum is a prostrate, stoloniferous, warm-season, evergreen, perennial grass, usually used as a lawn grass, forming a wide mat of flattened stems bearing flat to folded, linear to oblong, blue-green leaves and flattened, spike-like racemes of green-flushed, brown flower spikelets in late summer and early autumn.

  7. St. Augustinegrass (Stenotaphrum secundatum), sometimes referred to as Charleston grass, is a coarse-textured, spreading grass that is popular throughout...