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  1. 16 de mar. de 2022 · Carotid artery stenosis, also called carotid artery disease, is a condition that can lead to stroke. When you have carotid artery stenosis, a substance called plaque builds up and blocks the normal flow of blood in your artery. One treatment option for carotid artery stenosis is a surgical procedure call endarterectomy.

  2. Spinal stenosis is a condition that arises when the spinal cord and/or nerves become compressed within the spinal canal. This may cause pain, numbness, or weakness in the extremities that are affected by the compressed nerves. Each vertebra (the name for each bone that, stacked up, makes up the spine) contains a section that has what’s called ...

  3. 25 de oct. de 2022 · Los síntomas de la estenosis de la válvula aórtica pueden incluir los siguientes: Sonido cardíaco irregular (soplo cardíaco) que se escucha a través de un estetoscopio. Dolor en el pecho (angina de pecho) o presión al hacer esfuerzo físico. Sensación de desmayo o mareo, o desmayo al hacer esfuerzo físico.

  4. 11 de jul. de 2023 · Physical Therapy. Physical therapy is another primary treatment for those with spinal stenosis. It is often used alongside pain medications. Typically, people must undergo six to eight weeks of physical therapy, with sessions two to three times per week. Utilizing physical therapy for spinal stenosis has been shown to:

  5. Pengobatan untuk spinal stenosis akan disesuaikan dengan keparahan kondisi dan lokasi tulang yang terkena. Lebih jelas, cara mengobati penyakit spinal stenosis baik jenis lumbar atau cervical adalah: Minum obat-obatan. Dilansir dari situs Mayo Clinic, beberapa obat yang diresepkan dokter untuk mengobati spinal stenosis adalah:

  6. 25 de sept. de 2023 · Aortic stenosis is a condition that causes the heart's aortic valve to narrow. The aortic valve connects the heart's main pumping chamber (left ventricle) to the aorta. Aortic stenosis can occur due to a congenitally abnormal aortic valve or due to degeneration of the valve. It's a fairly common condition, particularly in adults over age 65 years.

  7. 21 de feb. de 2017 · Spinal stenosis causes back pain and leg pain. Most often it occurs when you walk. Weakness of the legs may make you feel unsteady. This may affect both legs or just one leg. Spinal stenosis affecting the cervical spine in your neck may also cause pain and weakness in the shoulders and arms. Spinal stenosis can often be treated by simple ...

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