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  1. Johannes Bugenhagen, Pomerania. Bugenhagen was born on the 24th of June 1485 in Wollin/ Pomerania. His father was a councillor there. Bugenhagen studied at the University of Greifswald. Afterwards he went to the town school in Treptow as a teacher and later was appointed to become the principal. On behalf of Duke Bogislaw X, Bugenhagen wrote a ...

  2. 23 de abr. de 2023 · Johannes Bugenhagen, 24.6.1485-20.4.1558, professor, præst. Født i Wollin i Pommern, død i Wittenberg. B. (med tilnavnet Pomeranus) immatrikuleredes 1502 i Greifswald og blev to år senere rektor for skolen i Treptow.

  3. Johannes Bugenhagens store organisatoriske talent kom til udfoldelse i Danmark og i en række nordtyske områder, da Reformationen indførtes, og et evangelisk kirke- og skolevæsen skulle etableres. Bugenhagen opholdt sig i København 1537-39, hvor han kronede Christian 3. til konge og indviede de første lutherske superintendenter (biskopper).

  4. Johannes Bugenhagen ( Wollin, Pomerania, 24 de junio de 1485 - Wittenberg, Sajonia, 20 de abril de 1558), también llamado Doctor Pomeranus por Lutero, teólogo luterano alemán que introdujo la reforma protestante en Pomerania y Dinamarca en el siglo XVI. Bugenhagen nació en el este de Pomerania en 1485.

  5. 20 de abr. de 2021 · In 1521 Bugenhagen traveled to Wittenberg to study theology. While Luther was at the Diet at Worms, Melanchthon suggested that Bugenhagen fill in for the absent Reformer by lecturing on the Psalms. So began the career of Johannes Bugenhagen as a leader of the Lutheran Reformation. In 1522, Bugenhagen married his wife, Walpurga.

  6. Johannes Bugenhagen. Born in Eastern Pomerania in 1485, Johannes Bugenhagen studied humanism in Greifswald and was ordained as priest before holding diverse positions as teacher of the Holy Scriptures and of the early fathers of the church. Initially Luther's anti-Roman paper "The Babylonian Captivity", published in 1521, was met with total ...

  7. Johannes Bugenhagen (24. juuni 1485 – 20. aprill 1558) oli saksa usureformaator, Martin Lutheri üks lähedasemaid kaastöölisi. Bugenhagen sündis Wollini ( Wolini ) raehärra Gerhard Bugenhageni pojana ning õppis aastatel 1502 – 1504 Greifswaldi ülikoolis vabu kunste.