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  1. 18 de jul. de 2023 · Bethlen died on November 15, 1629 before he could accomplish any of his great designs to unite Transylvania and Hungary, having previously secured the election of his wife Catherine as princess. His first wife, Zsuzsanna Károlyi, died in 1622. Gabriel Bethlen was one of the most striking and original personages of his century.

  2. Gabriel Bethlen had achieved a notable feat in raising Transylvania and princely authority to the levels that had prevailed in the 1570s and 1580s. At the outset, he was little more than the Turks' viceroy, yet he managed to become a treaty-bound partner of the great powers and, like Stephen Báthori and Zsigmond Báthori (in the first phase of his reign), a significant actor in international ...

  3. GABRIEL BETHLEN ŞI EUROPA 400 DE ANI DE LA ÎNSCĂUNAREA PRINCIPELUI GABRIEL BETHLEN – CONFERINŢĂ ŞTIINŢIFICĂ INTERNAŢIONALĂ CLUJ-NAPOCA, 24-26 OCTOMBRIE 2013 JOI, 24 OCTOMBRIE 2013 Organizatori Sponsori Program Program (pdf) Traducere simultană Cazare Transport Masă Informații tehnice Hartă Organizatori: Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai, Societatea Muzeului Ardelean, Universitatea

  4. Gabriel Bethlen 1580 - 1629 . Gabriel Bethlen bol sedmohradským kniežaťom. Jeho mincovníctvo sa spája predovšetkým s jeho protihabsburským povstaním, keď vojensky obsadil mincovňu v Košiciach a v Kremnici. Pred povstaním si nechával raziť svoje mince v mincovni Veľká Baňa. Všetky razby Gabriela Bethlena patria medzi pomerne ...

  5. 23 de ago. de 2022 · (Hung., Gábor; 1580–1629), prince of Transylvania.Born into a noble family, Bethlen received his political training as a youth at the court in Gyulafehérvár.

  6. Gabriel Bethlen of Hungary , King of Hungary. 1 reference. retrieved. 7 August 2020. Oxford Reference overview ID. 20110803095502655. 0 references. museum-digital ...

  7. Gabriel Bethlen. Gabriel Bethlen (en hongarès: Bethlen Gábor; 15 de novembre de 1580 - 15 de novembre de 1629) va ser príncep de Transsilvània de 1613 a 1629 i duc d'Opole de 1622 a 1625. També va ser rei electe d'Hongria del 1620 al 1621, però mai va prendre el control de tot el regne.