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  1. El hipercalvinismo es una rama de la t eología protestante que niega el deber universal de los seres humanos de creer en Cristo para la salvación de sus almas. A veces se lo considera una variación del calvinismo , pero los críticos enfatizan sus diferencias con las creencias calvinistas tradicionales. 1 .

  2. › wiki › CalvinismoCalvinismo - Wikipedia

    La croce ugonotta, simbolo del calvinismo. Il calvinismo è una confessione del cristianesimo protestante sorta nel XVI secolo, a seguito dell'opera missionaria e della predicazione del riformatore Giovanni Calvino. Le chiese che seguono la dottrina calvinista sono spesso definite come Chiese riformate, sebbene il termine sia talvolta ...

  3. Jean Cauvin, also Jean Calvin ( English: John Calvin, July 10, 1509 – May 27, 1564), was a French Protestant theologian during the Protestant Reformation who was a central developer of the system of Christian theology that is called Calvinism or Reformed theology. In Geneva City, he rejected papal authority and established a new scheme of ...

  4. Pagini din categoria „Calvinism”. Următoarele 18 pagini aparțin acestei categorii, dintr-un total de 18. Categorii: Utilizate • Dorite • Necategorisite • Nefolosite • Aleatorii • Toate categoriile. Utile: Arborele categoriilor • Căutare internă: • Interogare • Sugestii •Grafice: ↑• ↓. Index general: 0-9 • A B C ...

  5. Neo-Calvinism, a form of Dutch Calvinism, is a theological movement initiated by the theologian and former Dutch prime minister Abraham Kuyper. James Bratt has identified a number of different types of Dutch Calvinism: The Seceders, split into the Reformed Church "West" and the Confessionalists; the neo-Calvinists; and the Positives and the ...

  6. › wiki › Calvinist_theologyCalvinism - Wikipedia

    Calvinism, also called Reformed Christianity, [1] [a] is a major branch of Protestantism that follows the theological tradition and forms of Christian practice set down by John Calvin and various other Reformation-era theologians. It emphasizes the sovereignty of God and the authority of the Bible .

  7. Commons: Calvinism Calvinismo [kal-vi-nís-mo] es un termino ambigue, usate con duo significatos distincte. Primo, illo se refere al ideas religiose de corpores religiose (como le Ecclesia reformate ) e individuos (como Theodoro de Beza) le quales esseva profundemente influentiate per Johannes Calvin , o per documentos scribite per ille.