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  1. 4 de dic. de 2023 · Obelisk von Montevideo Der Obelisco a los Constituyentes de 1830 ist ein am 25 August 1938 1 eingeweihtes 40 Meter hohes

  2. Obelisk of Montevideo The Obelisk of Montevideo, officially Obelisk to the Constituents of 1830 is a monument created by sculptor José Luis Zorrilla de San Martín. It is a three-sided obelisk made of granite, 40 metres tall with three bronze statues on its sides, representing "Law", "Liberty" and "Force".

  3. Avenida 18 de Julio, or 18 de Julio Avenue, is the most important avenue in Montevideo, Uruguay. [1] It is named after the date when the country's first Constitution was sworn in, on July 18, 1830. It starts from Plaza Independencia at the limits of the Ciudad Vieja (the Old City), crosses the barrios Centro and Cordón and ends at the Obelisk ...

  4. 25 The obelisk of Montevideo (Obelisco a los Constituyentes de 1830) (corner of Av. 18 de Julio and Bv. Artigas). A 40-m-high obelisk that was built in 1930 to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the first Uruguayan constitution. The three statues next to the obelisk represent "law", "liberty" and "force".

  5. The Obelisk of Theodosius, also known as Dikilitaş in Turkish, is an ancient Egyptian obelisk that was originally erected by Pharaoh Thutmose III during the 18th dynasty. It was initially placed to the south of the seventh pylon of the great temple of Karnak. Later, in 357 AD, the Roman emperor Constantius II ordered the obelisk, along with ...

  6. Obelisk ( łac. obeliscus, gr. ὀβελίσκος obeliskos – rożen, słup) – pomnik w postaci wysokiego, smukłego słupa, najczęściej o czworobocznej podstawie i piramidalnym szczycie, wykonanego z jednego bloku skalnego. Zakończenie słupa ma formę ostrosłupa, często obitego złotą blachą. Był charakterystycznym elementem ...

  7. The Obelisk of Montevideo, officially listed as the Obelisco a los Constituyentes de 1830, is a monument, work of the sculptor José Luis Zorrilla de San Martín (1891-1975).