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  1. As the only daughter of Filippo Maria Visconti, the last of the long line of Visconti lords, she had always been a powerful stabilizing element for the Sforza cause. Even when her husband was alive, she had shouldered considerable responsibility, and had become a focal point of particular devotion for her Milanese subjects.” (131).

  2. 12 de jul. de 2017 · Bianca Maria Visconti was born on 31 March 1425 as the illegitimate daughter of Filippo Maria Visconti, Duke of Milan and Agnese del Maino. Her mother served as lady-in-waiting to Filippo’s wife, Beatrice di Tenda, who was tortured and executed on her husband’s orders before Bianca’s birth. Agnese and Filippo had a second daughter, named Caterina Maria or [read more]

  3. Bianca Maria Visconti (Settimo Pavese, 31 marzo 1425 – Melegnano, 23 o 28 ottobre 1468) era figlia legittimata e unica erede di Filippo Maria Visconti, duca di Milano, e di Agnese del Maino. Fu moglie di Francesco Sforza , duchessa di Milano dal 1450 al 1466 , e madre dei duchi Galeazzo Maria Sforza e Ludovico il Moro .

  4. En 1440 sus feudos en el reino de Nápoles fueron ocupados por el rey Alfonso I, y —para recuperarlos— Sforza se reconcilió con Filippo Visconti. El 25 de octubre de 1441 pudo desposar finalmente a Bianca Maria en Cremona. Al año siguiente se alió con Renato de Anjou, pretendiente al trono de Nápoles, y marchó contra el sur de Italia.

  5. Bianca Maria Visconti, Duchess of Milan, as the Virgin Mary and her Child Jesus – she is Isabella of Aragon's maternal grandmother. Born: 31. March 1425. Deceased: 23. October 1468. Father: Filippo Maria Visconti (1392-1447), Duke of Milan, youngest son of the most famous Milanese Duke of the Visconti dynasty, Giangaleazzo Visconti († 1402)

  6. Bianca Maria Visconti dengan putra pertamanya yang lahir Galeazzo sebagai Santa Maria dengan anaknya Yesus Kristus. Masalah utama Bianca Maria di dalam periode ini berasal dari putra sulung mereka, Galeazzo Maria , yang tidak stabil dan memiliki karakter yang berbahaya yang menimbulkan banyak masalah untuknya.

  7. 12 de nov. de 2023 · The highlight of Torrone Festival, taking place in Cremona from November 11th to 19th, 2023, is the historical reenactment of the wedding of Francesco Sforza and Bianca Maria Visconti, happening on Sunday, November 12th, 2023, the second day of the festival. The origin – In 1430, Bianca Maria, the only heir to the throne of the Duchy of Milan ...