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  1. › wiki › Anna_FreudAnna Freud - Wikipedia

    Anna Freud CBE (3 December 1895 – 9 October 1982) was a British psychoanalyst of Austrian–Jewish descent. [1] She was born in Vienna, the sixth and youngest child of Sigmund Freud and Martha Bernays. She followed the path of her father and contributed to the field of psychoanalysis.

  2. Anna Freud Crisis Messenger. The Anna Freud Crisis Messenger text service is a free, confidential, 24/7 text message support service for anyone who is feeling overwhelmed or is struggling to cope. Their service is staffed by trained volunteers who will work with you to take your next steps towards feeling better.

  3. Anna Freud (born Dec. 3, 1895, Vienna—died Oct. 9, 1982, London) was an Austrian-born British founder of child psychoanalysis and one of its foremost practitioners. She also made fundamental contributions to understanding how the ego, or consciousness, functions in averting painful ideas, impulses, and feelings.

  4. 9 de sept. de 2013 · 9 septiembre 2013. Getty. El legado de Sigmund Freud, el fundador del psicoanálisis, es más que conocido. Pero es probable que ese no sea el caso de su hija Anna, cuyo trabajo tuvo –y sigue ...

  5. 25 de jul. de 2023 · Anna Freud created the field of child psychoanalysis, and her work contributed greatly to our understanding of child psychology. She also developed different techniques to treat children. Freud noted that children’s symptoms differed from those of adults and were often related to developmental stages. She also provided clear explanations of ...

  6. Anna Freud pretendió que el funcionamiento de sus centros de acogida se basara en las “unidades de familia”. De ese modo, toda criatura abandonada o traumatizada por los efectos de la guerra encontraba en estas instituciones otros compañeros (hermanos) y una madre suplente o psicoterapeuta que trataba los traumas y las pesadillas recurrentes de aquellos pequeños.

  7. La hija de Freud completó sus estudios de pedagogía, convirtiéndose así en maestra. Ejerció la enseñanza en el Cottage Lyceum entre 1914 y 1920, durante la Primera Guerra Mundial. Abandonó la enseñanza al enfermar de tuberculosis. A continuación, haremos un repaso de la biografía y el recorrido profesional de Anna Freud.

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