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  1. Juergen Ludwig Neve (1865-1943) served as professor of Church History, Symbolics, and History of Doctrine at Hamma Divinity School (Ohio Synod) for 34 years. His books include A History of Christian Thought (completed posthumously), Churches and Sects of Christendom , and The History of the Lutheran Church in America .

  2. 5 de mar. de 2019 · The Founding of Lutheranism. The origins of the Lutheran denomination trace back to the 16th century and the reforms of Martin Luther, a German friar in the Augustinian order and professor who has been called the "Father of the Reformation." Luther began his protest in 1517 over the Roman Catholic Church 's use of indulgences but later clashed ...

  3. We trace our roots back through the mid-17th century, when early Lutherans came to America from Europe, settling in the Virgin Islands and the area that is now known as New York. Even before that, Martin Luther sought reform for the church in the 16th century, laying the framework for our beliefs. The ELCA was formed on Jan. 1, 1988. There are ...

  4. Two years after its founding, St. Lorenz became one of the 14 charter congregations of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod and a participant in its worldwide mission program. Frankenmuth has been blessed in countless ways since those early days. As the community grew, so also did St. Lorenz Church, with a present membership exceeding 4,900.

  5. Zion Lutheran Church – Alva was organized officially on May 21 of 1899 under the leadership of missionary J. Lill. Rev. Lill himself is a figure who remains somewhat cloaked in mystery. Johann F. Lill was born on September 24, 1874, in Chicago, Illinois. He graduated from seminary in Springfield in the year 1898 and was ordained on October 2 ...

  6. church books, such as agenda, hymnals, catechisms, etc. The overarching concern expressed in this listing of conditions is the maintenance of pure Lutheran doctrine and practice. This pertains both to the individual level (congregations and pastors) and the corporate level (the Synod), which is an expression of the church’s unity.

  7. They came together in 1918 to form the United Lutheran Church in America (ULCA). Cooperation with like-minded Swedish, Finnish, and Danish Lutheran churches in America led to establishment of the Lutheran Church in America (LCA) in 1962, with its publication house, Fortress Press, at 2900 Queen Lane in Philadelphia.