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  1. › content › clemens-xiiiClement XIII - Vatican

    Clement XIII [ AR - DE - EN - ES - FR - IT - LA - PT] Clement XIII 248th Pope of the Catholic Church Beginning Pontificate: 6,16.VII.1758: End Pontificate: 2.II.1769 ...

  2. Clemente XII, 1730. A la muerte de su padre en 1685 negoció con sus hermanos la renuncia a la primogenitura y accedió al estado clerical, ingresando en la Cámara Apostólica de Roma. Siguiendo lo que era habitual en la época, compró por 30 000 escudos el cargo de regente de la Cancillería Apostólica y en 1690 el de presidente de la ...

  3. 27 de ene. de 2017 · Five Interesting Facts About Pope Clement XIII. As Bishop of Padua, he was the first to actually engage with the diocese in half a century. He took the papal name of Clement in honor of Clement XII, who had appointed him cardinal. He was elected pope by receiving one vote more than the minimum to win. His brother Aurelio also found work within ...

  4. › content › clemens-xiiiClemente XIII - Vatican

    Clemente XIII [ AR - DE - EN - ES - FR - IT - LA - PT] Clemente XIII 248° Papa della Chiesa Cattolica Inizio pontificato: 6,16.VII.1758: Fine pontificato: 2.II.1769 ...

  5. El príncipe Rezzonico y sus dos hermanos, ambos cardenales, encargaron a Canova (1757-1822) un monumento funerario para el Papa Clemente XIII (Carlo Rezzonico) destinado a la Basílica de San Pedro. El escultor lo comenzó en 1789 y durante cuatro años se consagró a esta obra sin descanso, inaugurándose el monumento en 1792.

  6. Born at Venice, 7 March, 1693; died at Rome, 2 February, 1769. He was educated by the Jesuits at Bologna, took his degrees in law at Padua, and in 1716 was ppointed at Rome referendary of the two departments known as the "Signatura Justitiæ" and the "Signatura Gratiæ". He was made governor of Rieti in 1716, of Fano in 1721, and Auditor of the ...

  7. Clemente XI. Clemente XI ( Urbino, 23 de julio de 1649- Roma, 19 de marzo de 1721) fue el 243. er papa de la Iglesia católica entre 1700 y 1721. Condenó el jansenismo y la contaminación china y malabar en la liturgia. Apoyó la lucha contra los turcos.