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  1. Doctor Henry Jekyll, also known as Edward Hyde, is the titular main antagonist of the 1886 gothic novella Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by the late Robert Louis Stevenson. Hyde is the dark side of Henry Jekyll, unleashed by use of a potion. Over the course of the novel, Jekyll transforms into Hyde in order to keep his good and evil personalities separate, only to find himself addicted ...

  2. En la novela de 1886, el doctor Jekyll es moralmente dual, como lo son todos los hombres, en tanto que su hipóstasis —Edward Hyde— es malvada sin tregua y sin aleación; en el film de 1941, el doctor Jekyll es un joven patólogo que ejerce la castidad, en tanto que su hipóstasis —Hyde— es un calavera, con rasgos de sadista y de acróbata.

  3. Character Analysis Edward Hyde. Hyde, as his name indicates, represents the fleshy (sexual) aspect of man which the Victorians felt the need to "hide" — as Utterson once punned on his name: "Well, if he is Mr. Hyde, I will be Mr. Seek." Hyde actually comes to represent the embodiment of pure evil merely for the sake of evil.

  4. El Dr. Henry Jekyll y su personalidad alternativa, el Sr. Edward Hyde, son el personaje central de la novela, El extraño caso del doctor Jekyll y el señor Hyde, de Robert Louis Stevenson publicada en 1886. Henry Jekyll es un buen amigo del protagonista principal, Gabriel John Utterson. Jekyll es un apuesto y respetado médico inglés de mediana edad que, durante toda su vida, ha reprimido ...

  5. Mr. Hyde. Edward Hyde es descrito como un hombre pequeño, de tez pálida, y deforme. Su sonrisa produce desagrado. Mr. Hyde es, en realidad, la parte cruel y malvada del Dr. Jekyll, forma parte de un experimento de este para describir la dualidad del ser humano. Señor Utterson

  6. Mister Edward Hyde (also known as Mr. Hyde) is a character on Jekyll and Hyde. Edward Hyde was the 'transformed' alter-ego of Dr. Henry Jekyll. He was created when Henry attempted to channel the evil in his body into a separate personality, using oil of Monocane. Over time, Hyde built a monsterous reputation for himself. Even Gabriel Utterson called Hyde a monster. In October 1885, Dr. Jekyll ...

  7. 634 pages, printed. Bound in red sheepskin, gold tooled, with the arms of the University of Oxford on boards.Edward Hyde began his career as a lawyer and an MP, and became one of the closest advisers of both Charles I, during the period 1641-5, and then of Charles II during his exile before the restoration of the monarchy in 1660. In that year Hyde’s daughter Anne married the King’s ...