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  1. Die Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (RMAS, deutsch Königliche Militärakademie) befindet sich im südenglischen Sandhurst in Berkshire, etwa 60 Kilometer südwestlich von London. In dieser Einrichtung bildet das britische Heer seine Offiziere aus. Die Akademie ist auch für Ausländer zugänglich.

  2. 座標: 北緯51度20分26秒 西経0度46分07秒 サンドハースト王立陸軍士官学校 (サンドハーストおうりつりくぐんしかんがっこう、The Royal Military Academy Sandhurst)は、 イギリス における 陸軍 の 士官 養成機関。. 一般には サンドハースト という略称で知られる ...

  3. RMAS Today. Today, all those commissioned into the British Army are trained and educated at Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. These include those who are destined for the regular and reserve forces, those with specialist qualifications such as doctors, dentists, lawyers and chaplains and those who are commissioned from the ranks.

  4. 0. 桑赫斯特皇家军事学院(Royal Military Academy Sandhurst)是 英国 培养初级军官的一所重点院校,也是世界训练陆军军官的老牌和名牌院校之一。. 它与美国 西点军校 、 俄罗斯 伏龙芝军事学院 以及法国 圣西尔军校 并称世界“ 四大军校 ”。. 中文名. 桑赫斯特皇家 ...

  5. Academic study is an integral part in developing effective and professional military leaders. The courses provided by the Faculty for the study of Leadership, Security, and Warfare (LSW) Departments are purposely designed to develop an officer’s understanding and analysis of the human, operational and strategic context in which they will work.

  6. Sandhurst, officers and the role of history. The world-renowned Royal Military Academy Sandhurst has trained the Army’s officers since 1802. For generations, its cadets have endeavoured to live up to the academy’s motto: ‘Serve to Lead’. A key part of their training has always been the study of military history. 16 min read.

  7. Sandhurst. Royal Military Academy Sandhurst er den britiske hærens krigsskole, beliggende i landsbyen Sandhurst i Berkshire. Alle offiserer i den britiske hæren, og mange fra andre steder i verden, får sin utdannelse ved Sandhurst. Alle som vil bli offiser i den britiske hæren må bestå offiserskurset, som varer 44 uker, før de utnevnes ...