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  1. King William IV Facts. 1. He Was Never Supposed to Be King. William’s rise to the English throne was never supposed to happen. Born on August 21, 1765 to the "Mad King" King George III and Queen Charlotte, William was the third son of the dysfunctional royal couple, and his parents never imagined their younger boy would rule England one day.

  2. 4 de abr. de 2022 · Hibbert, C. George IV (1762–1830), king of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and king of Hanover. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Retrieved 4 Apr. 2022, from

  3. 26 de ene. de 2023 · George IV de Grande-Bretagne (r. de 1820 à 1830) était le quatrième des monarques de la maison de Hanovre. Il régna d'abord en tant que prince régent à partir de 1811 pour son père fou George III de Grande-Bretagne (r. de 1760 à 1820). George IV était un monarque impopulaire pour ses nombreuses aventures amoureuses et ses dépenses ...

  4. › HistoryofBritain › George-IVGeorge IV - Historic UK

    King George IV was an extraordinary figure, dubbed ‘The First Gentleman of Europe’ and yet also an object of contempt and ridicule, particularly with regard to his love life…. George IV – as a prince and then a king – would never have had an ordinary life. Yet even with this in mind, it would seem that his life was more than usually ...

  5. modifier. George IV, né George Augustus Frederick à Londres le 12 août 1762 et mort le 26 juin 1830 au château de Windsor, est roi du Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande et de Hanovre du 29 janvier 1820 jusqu'à sa mort. Du fait de la maladie mentale de son père, le roi George III, George est prince-régent de 1811 à son accession ...

  6. 8. William IV was present at the Battle of Cape St Vincent in 1780, when the San Julian struck her colours to his ship. 9. William IV did his share of the cooking and got arrested with his shipmates after a drunken brawl in Gibraltar; he was hastily released from custody after his identity became known. 10.

  7. Unwrapping Boxing Day: 10 Fascinating Facts and Figures about this British Tradition. 10 British FactsDecember 26, 20231. Boxing Day, observed on the day after Christmas, has... Ten Interesting Facts about The Pet Shop Boys. 10 British FactsNovember 28, 20232. Formed by Neil Tennant and Chris Lowe in 1981,... ANGLOTOPIA.