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  1. › wiki › LisbonLisbon - Wikipedia

    Lisbon is mainland Europe's westernmost capital city (second overall after Reykjavik) and the only one along the Atlantic coast, the others (Reykjavik and Dublin) being on islands. The city lies in the western portion of the Iberian Peninsula, on the northern shore of the River Tagus.

  2. Situada en la desembocadura del río Tajo, es la capital del país, capital del distrito de Lisboa, de la región de Lisboa, del Área Metropolitana de Lisboa, y es también el principal centro de la subregión de la Gran Lisboa.

  3. Lisboa tiene una de las historias más antiguas de Europa, habiéndose fundado la ciudad hace tres mil años. Es junto con Setúbal, Alcácer do Sal y algunas ciudades del Algarve la más antigua de Portugal y tras Atenas, la capital más antigua de la Unión Europea. 1 Lisboa es cuatrocientos años más vieja que Roma .

  4. Lisbon is one of the oldest cities in western Europe, with a history that stretches back to its original settlement by the indigenous Iberians, the Celts, and the eventual establishment of Phoenician and Greek trading posts (c. 800–600 BC), [2] followed by successive occupations in the city of various peoples including the Carthaginians, Romans,...

  5. Lisbon (Portuguese: Lisboa) is the capital city of Portugal. It is the largest city of Portugal. The city has a population of about half million people. In Lisbon's urban area live around 2.8 million people, being the 10th-most populous urban area in the European Union. Lisbon is placed on the right bank (western) of the Tagus River ...

  6. Lisboa é a capital mais ocidental da Europa continental (a segunda no geral, depois de Reykjavik) e a única ao longo da costa atlântica, estando as outras (Reykjavik e Dublin) em ilhas. A cidade situa-se na porção ocidental da Península Ibérica, na margem norte do rio Tejo.

  7. The city of Lisbon and the Lisbon metropolitan area attracts a significant number of tourists each year, drawn to its historical and cultural heritage, good transportation connections and good touristic infrastructure.