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  1. Peter van Pels (Osnabrück, Alemania; 8 de noviembre de 1926-Mauthausen, Austria; 5 de mayo de 1945) fue un inmigrante alemán residente de Ámsterdam, Países Bajos, amigo de Ana Frank y con quien compartió durante dos años oculto en un refugio durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial.

  2. Peter van Pels es el enamorado de Ana Frank y uno de los ocho escondidos en la Casa de atrás. Lee su biografía aquí.

  3. Peter van Pels was Anne Frank's boyfriend and one of the eight people in hiding in the Secret Annex. Read his biography here.

  4. Peter van Pels, compañero de encierro. Peter van Pels, nombrado también en el diario de Anna como Peter van Daan, emigró al igual que la chica, de Alemania a Holanda con su familia. Compartió con los Frank el encierro en el viejo edificio trasero del 263 de Prinsengracht.

  5. Peter van Pels. Peter van Pels was 15 years old when he had to go into hiding with his parents. Together with the Frank family, they went into hiding in the Secret Annex. Peter knew Anne before they went into hiding.

  6. Peter van Pels was in Auschwitz from 6 September 1944 to 18 January 1945. There he worked in the Paketstelle and was able to care for the sick Otto Frank. Event

  7. Peter van Pels arrived in Auschwitz-Birkenau with the other people from the Secret Annex on the night of Tuesday 5 to Wednesday 6 September 1944. Subsequently, the men from this transport, including Peter, went on foot to Auschwitz I, also called Stammlager, located about 3 kilometres from Auschwitz-Birkenau (Auschwitz II). [1]

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    ana frank y Peter van Pels