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  1. Victor of Kunštát and Poděbrady (also: Viktorin of Poděbrady, Victor Boček of Poděbrady, Victor Boček of Kunstadt and Poděbrady; Czech: Viktorín z Poděbrad, or Viktorín Boček z Kunštátu a Poděbrad; German: Viktorin von Podiebrad; 1403 – 1 January 1427 in Pardubice) was a Bohemian-Moravian nobleman and a member of the ...

  2. Victor of Kunštát and Poděbrady (también: Viktorin of Poděbrady, Victor Boček of Poděbrady, Victor Boček of Kunstadt and Poděbrady; checo: Viktorín z Poděbrad, o Viktorín Boček z Kunštátu a Poděbrad; alemán: Viktorin von Podiebrad; 1403 - 1 de enero Pardubice) fue un noble bohemio-moravo y miembro de la Casa de Poděbrady.

  3. Victor of Kunštát and Poděbrady (1403–1427), was a supporter of the Hussites and the father of: George of Poděbrady was King of Bohemia. He increased his property with the Lordship of Glatz , which he raised to a county in 1459, as well as the Silesian Duchy of Münsterberg .

  4. George of Kunštát and Poděbrady (23 April 1420 – 22 March 1471), also known as Poděbrad or Podiebrad (Czech: Jiří z Poděbrad; German: Georg von Podiebrad), was the sixteenth King of Bohemia, who ruled in 1458–1471. He was a leader of the Hussites, but moderate and tolerant toward the Catholic faith.

  5. Victor of Kunštát and Poděbrady was a Bohemian-Moravian nobleman and a member of the House of Poděbrady.

  6. Señor de Kunštát y de Poděbrady, Jorge fue el primer soberano europeo en rechazar el catolicismo, abrazando una fe reformada, la de Jan Hus en su versión moderada; la utraquista. Es recordado también por ser el primero en postular la creación de una Europa Unida. [1]

  7. History of our house. House of the Lords of Kunštát and Poděbrady. Today’s building of the House of the Lords of Kunštát and Poděbrady hides in its foundation a Romanesque palace from the end of the 12th century.