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  1. La Escuela Normal Superior de París (también conocida como École normale supérieure, Normale Sup, Normale, ENS, ENS-Paris, ENS-Ulm o Ulm) es una Escuela Normal Superior francesa fundada el 30 de octubre de 1794, cuyo campus principal está situado en la rue d'Ulm (Calle de Ulm) de París.

  2. La Escuela Normal Superior (ENS), conocida como École Normale, Normale o Normale Sup, es un establecimiento de enseñanza superior francés . Cuando el término se utiliza sin mayores precisiones se refiere a la Escuela Normal Superior de París, llamada también ENS Ulm al estar ubicada en la calle Ulm del Barrio Latino de París.

  3. Located in the heart of Paris, the Ecole normale supérieure - PSL boasts all the key features for student campus life: living and study spaces, libraries, sports and cultural facilities, etc. Partnerships.

  4. Inscribirse en un centro de educación superior Descubrir; Educación superior en Francia; Centros de educación superior en Francia; Diplomas franceses, sistema LMD y equivalencias; Coste de los estudios en Francia; Evaluar la calidad de un diploma o de un centro; Encontrar formación en línea y a distancia; Becas para estudiantes extranjeros

    • History
    • Organisation
    • Academics
    • Notable Alumni


    The current institution finds its roots in the creation of the École normale de l'an III by the post-revolutionary National Convention led by Robespierre in 1794. The school was created based on a recommendation by Joseph Lakanal and Dominique-Joseph Garat, who were part of the commission on public education. The École normale was intended as the core of a planned centralised national education system. The project was also conceived as a way to reestablish trust between the Republic and the c...

    Second founding

    An École préparatoire was created on 9 March 1826 at the site of collège Louis-le-Grand. This date can be taken as the definitive date of creation of the current school. After the July Revolution, the school regained its original name of École normale and in 1845 was renamed École normale supérieure. During the 1830s, under the direction of philosopher Victor Cousin, the school enhanced its status as an institution to prepare the agrégation by expanding the duration of study to three years, a...

    Twentieth century

    After the Second World War, in which some of its students were players in the Resistance, the school became more visible and increasingly perceived as a bastion of the communist left. Many of its students belonged to the French Communist Party. This leftist tradition continued into the 1960s and 1970s during which an important fraction of French Maoists came from ENS. In 1953 it was made autonomous from the University of Paris, but it was perceived ambivalently by the authorities as a nexus o...

    École normale supérieure is a Grande école, a French institution of higher education that is separate from, but parallel and connected to the main framework of the French public university system. Similar to the Ivy League in the United States, Oxbridge in the UK, and C9 League in China, Grandes Écoles are elite academic institutions that admit stu...


    Since 2001, the École normale supérieure's internet portal, called Diffusion des savoirs ("Spreading knowledge") has offered access to more than 2000 recordings of conferences and seminars that have taken place at the school, in all sciences natural and social. The school also has launched its own short conference platform, Les Ernest,which shows renowned specialists speaking for fifteen minutes on a given subject in a wide scope of disciplines. In 1975 the school founded its university press...


    In 1986, an ENS foundation was created and recognised as a fondation d'utilité publique by law. It contributes to the development of the school, most notably by encouraging and facilitating the reception of foreign students and researchers. The Foundation, presided by Alain-Gérard Slama, manages some investments into financed positions for foreign researchers in ENS-associated laboratories. It has for example financed the Louis Pasteur villa, situated close by ENS, which welcomes foreign rese...

    Rankings and reputation

    In France, ENS has been regarded since the late 19th century as one of foremost grandes écoles. However, the ENS system is different from that of most higher education systems outside France, thus making it difficult to compare with foreign institutions; in particular, it is much smaller than a typical English collegiate university. It is ranked as the second "small university" worldwide behind California Institute of Technology by the 2016 Times Higher Education Smaller Universities Ranking...

    Throughout its history, a sizeable number of ENS alumni, some of them known as normaliens, have become notable in many varied fields, both academic and otherwise, ranging from Louis Pasteur, the chemist and microbiologist famed for inventing pasteurisation, to philologist Georges Dumézil, novelist Julien Gracq and socialist Prime Minister Léon Blum...

  5. La Escuela Normal Superior de París (también conocida como École normale supérieure, Normale Sup, Normale, ENS, ENS-Paris, ENS-Ulm o Ulm) es una Escuela Normal Superior francesa fundada el 30 de octubre de 1794, cuyo campus principal está situado en la rue d'Ulm (Calle de Ulm) de París.

  6. La Escuela Normal Superior (ENS París) es un centro de enseñanza superior que opera fuera del margen del sistema público, pero es catalogada por el Higher Education Supplement, como la mejor casa de estudio de Francia y de Europa continental.