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  1. Henry John Temple, vizconde de Palmerston KG GCB PC, también conocido como Lord Palmerston o simplemente como Henry Temple ( Westminster, 20 de octubre de 1784-Brocket Hall, Hertfordshire, 18 de octubre de 1865), fue un político británico que ocupó el cargo de primer ministro del Reino Unido a mediados del siglo XIX durante dos ocasiones (1...

  2. Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston, KG, GCB, PC, FRS (20 October 1784 – 18 October 1865), known as Lord Palmerston, was a British statesman and politician who was twice prime minister of the United Kingdom in the mid-19th century.

  3. Lord Palmerston (Henry John Temple, tercer vizconde de Palmerston; Londres, 1784 - Brocket Hall, Reino Unido, 1865) Político británico. Tras acceder al Parlamento en 1807, ocupó su primera cartera (como ministro de Guerra) en 1809.

    • Overview
    • Early life
    • Political life, 1807–30

    Lord Palmerston (born October 20, 1784, Broadlands, Hampshire, England—died October 18, 1865, Brocket Hall, Hertfordshire) English Whig-Liberal statesman whose long career, including many years as British foreign secretary (1830–34, 1835–41, and 1846–51) and prime minister (1855–58 and 1859–65), made him a symbol of British nationalism.

    The christening of Henry John Temple in the “House of Commons church” of St. Margaret, Westminster, was appropriate. His father, a cultured grand seigneur and dilettante politician, failed in his ambition to convert his Irish peerage into a United Kingdom peerage, which would have condemned his son (known as Harry) to a seat in the House of Lords. Instead, with a break of less than a year (in 1835), Harry Temple was to sit in the Commons from 1807 until he died as prime minister on the eve of his 81st birthday. After two years in Italy and Switzerland with his family, young Temple went to Harrow School in May 1795. Its classical curriculum was supplemented by French, Italian, and some German from a tutor brought home from Italy. In November 1800 Temple entered the University of Edinburgh.

    In April 1802 Temple succeeded to his father’s title and estates as 3rd Viscount Palmerston and to a burden of debt that conspired, along with a sense of public duty, to make him seek public office; the fact was, he could never afford to be out of office long. He soon began to extend and embellish the house and gardens of Broadlands in Hampshire and, from the mid-1820s, improved his Irish estates in County Sligo. Having survived a youth of ill health, he later displayed a rare stamina, cultivated by regular exercise. Entering St. John’s College, Cambridge, in October 1803, Palmerston was still an undergraduate when he contested the vacancy in the university parliamentary representation resulting from the death of William Pitt in January 1806. He lost then and again in the general election of 1807, but he sat for the University of Cambridge from 1811 to 1831.

    Only after being made a junior lord at the admiralty in the Tory government of 1807 did Palmerston become a member of Parliament by a transaction with the patron of the pocket borough of Newport, Isle of Wight. Studious at Cambridge, though no recluse, the young junior minister was thought a bit of a prig. As he passed into middle age 20 years later, he was thought of politically as a dull dog; for, after refusing the chancellorship of the Exchequer from the prime minister Spencer Perceval in 1809, he took the office of secretary at war. The office was humdrum, and its parliamentary duties were light. He rejected the post office in 1821 because it would have taken him to the House of Lords; and he resisted other offers because they would have taken him to Dublin, the Caribbean, or Calcutta. Palmerston would not forgo the delights of the London society centring on Almack’s social club, the three principal hostesses of which—Lady Jersey, the Princess Lieven, and Lady Cowper (whom he married in 1839 after she was widowed)—were all probably his mistresses; he was known widely as “Lord Cupid.” Because in 1827 the ultra-Tories refused to serve under Canning, Palmerston at last reached the Cabinet. But the offer of the Exchequer by Canning was withdrawn, and it was as secretary at war that Palmerston sat in the cabinets of George Canning, Viscount Goderich, and the Duke of Wellington.

    Known initially as a Pittite and condemned by Radicals as a follower of Viscount Castlereagh, who was hostile to civil liberties, Palmerston acquiesced in the switch from unmoving resolution to “Liberal Toryism” over which Lord Liverpool presided in 1821–23. But Palmerston was not an intimate of Canning and his follower, the financier and statesman William Huskisson, nor of Sir Robert Peel. Only after Canning’s death, when Palmerston applauded “the great strides which public opinion has made in the last few years,” could he be considered a Canningite. As such, he resigned, reluctantly, when Wellington drove Huskisson out of office in mid-1828; but he never closed the door to overtures from Wellington. He had owed his return to the Cambridge seat in Parliament in 1826 to the Whigs—he was opposed by two ministerial colleagues hostile (as he was not) to Catholic Emancipation—and of the Whigs who sat with him in the cabinets of Canning and Goderich, he said that he liked them much better than the Tories and agreed with them much more. Palmerston, whose maiden speech in February 1808 had been a defense of a British attack on the Danish fleet to deny it to Napoleon, became in Cabinet entranced with foreign affairs and adopted a position on events in Greece and Portugal in advance of the other Canningites. This he made public in the House on June 1, 1829, when he complained that Wellington had made Britain the keystone of the arch of European absolutism. The circulation of his speech as a pamphlet indicates that Palmerston had decided to play for high political stakes. By interrogating the Tory government from a Whiggish point of view all through 1830 and by rejoicing at the Paris revolution of that year, he qualified himself to become foreign secretary when Wellington’s resistance to all parliamentary reform led to the creation of a Whig-Canningite coalition under Earl Grey.

  4. The Story of the Life of lord Palmerston, fue publicada inicialmente en New York Tribune, en 1853, y en Inglaterra en el People’s Paper. Los tres primeros capítulos fueron reunidos bajo el título Palmerston and Russia, en el Glasgow Sentinel, y como folleto político por E. Turner en Londres. Este lo reedita en 1854 con el título ...

  5. Lord Palmerston - British Prime Minister, Diplomat, Statesman: In 1848–49 Palmerston was more intent upon preserving the general peace than upon patronizing Liberalism.

  6. Henry John Temple, vizconde de Palmerston KG GCB PC, también conocido como Lord Palmerston o simplemente como Henry Temple, fue un político británico que ocupó el cargo de primer ministro del Reino Unido a mediados del siglo XIX durante dos ocasiones.