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  1. Heinrich von Manteuffel (7 November 1696 – 10 July 1778), was a Prussian lieutenant general. He participated in the Pomeranian campaign of 1715 and the first two of Frederick's Silesian wars, was wounded at Chotusitz, and commanded an infantry regiment at the beginning of the Seven Years' War.

  2. General Heinrich von Manteuffel took six battalions and attacked on the artillery; initially they threw him back. A contemporary participant maintained that Manteuffel succeeded in over-running the positions and took 40 pieces of cannon, but there is no official evidence to support his statement.

  3. El general Carl Heinrich von Wedel, comandante del ejército prusiano de 26 000 hombres, atacó imprudentemente a un ejército ruso mayor que el suyo, de 41 000 hombres comandado por el conde Pyotr Saltykov .

  4. Heinrich von Manteuffel (* 31. August 1833 in Polzin, Kreis Belgard; † 21. Juli 1900 in Stettin) war Landrat und Mitglied des Deutschen Reichstags .

  5. Heinrich von Manteuffel (* 7. November 1696; † 10. Juli 1778 auf Gut Collatz) war königlich preußischer Generalleutnant. Er war Erbherr auf Schloss Polzin und Gut Collatz sowie auf Groß und Klein Poplow .

  6. Under cover of a heavy artillery bombardment, the three divisions began their attack on December 19. While von Manteuffel swung northwest behind the Soviet line, the LAH and 1st Panzer made a frontal assault on the Russian positions around the village of Meleni, about 30 kilometers to the west.

  7. Heinrich von Manteuffel (7 November 1696 – 10 July 1778), was a Prussian lieutenant general. He participated in the Pomeranian campaign of 1715 and the first two of Frederick 's Silesian wars, was wounded at Chotusitz, and commanded an infantry regiment at the beginning of the Seven Years' War.