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  1. The Jerónimos Monastery is one of the most prominent examples of the late Portuguese Gothic Manueline style of architecture in Lisbon. It was erected in the early 1500s near the launch point of Vasco da Gama's first journey, and its construction funded by a tax on the profits of the yearly Portuguese India Armadas.

  2. El monasterio de los Jerónimos de Santa María de Belém (en portugués: mosteiro dos Jerónimos de Santa Maria de Belém) es un antiguo monasterio de la Orden de San Jerónimo y que se ubica en el barrio de Belén, en Lisboa, Portugal.

  3. The Monastery of the Hieronymites is a royal foundation that dates back to the late 15th century. It was commissioned by King D. Manuel I and donated to the monks of Saint Hieronymus so that they would pray for the King, and pay spiritual assistance to seafarers that left the shores of Lisbon in quest for the new world.

  4. Hace 2 días · Construido a partir del año 1502, el Monasterio de los Jerónimos se yergue a la entrada del puerto de Lisboa y es la ejemplificación misma del arte portugués en todo su apogeo.

  5. › en › museus-e-monumentosJerónimos Monastery

    A masterpiece of 16th-century architecture in Portugal, the Monastery of Jerónimos is listed as a National Monument and inscribed on UNESCO’s World Heritage List (1983). It is located in one of Lisbon’s most noble areas, a both historical and monumental setting overlooking the Tagus River.

  6. El monasterio de San Jerónimo de Buenavista se encuentra en el barrio de San Jerónimo de Sevilla, Andalucía, España. Fue fundado en 1414 por fray Diego Martínez de Medina . Historia del monasterio. La orden jerónima estuvo muy vinculada con la nobleza castellana, ya que permitían el ingreso de aristócratas laicos.

  7. The Jerónimos Monastery as it is commonly known replaced the church that had existed on the same site. It was dedicated to Santa Maria De Belém and in it the monks of the Order of Christ...