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  1. Signed French (français signé) is any of at least three manually coded forms of French that apply the words (signs) of a national sign language to French word order or grammar.

  2. His system of signes méthodiques (usually known in English as Methodical Signs) was quite idiosyncratic, and although it was not a strict representation of French, its success laid the groundwork for the "signed oral languages" of today.

  3. Le français signé est un moyen de communication par lequel, la langue des signes d'un pays ou d'une communauté, est vassalisée à l'utilisation de sa langue vocale. Le français signé a couramment été utilisé par la génération des sourds instruits et éduqués pendant les deux premiers tiers du XIXe siècle, surtout après le congrès de Milan en 1880.

  4. French (français, French:, or langue française, French: [lɑ̃ɡ fʁɑ̃sɛːz], or by some speakers, French: [lɑ̃ŋ fʁɑ̃sɛ]) is a Romance language of the Indo-European family. It descended from the Vulgar Latin of the Roman Empire, as did all Romance languages.

  5. French Sign Language (French: langue des signes française, LSF) is the sign language of the deaf in France and French-speaking parts of Switzerland. According to Ethnologue, it has 100,000 native signers.

  6. 16 de may. de 2024 · France is trying Syrian ex-officials for the torture and killing of a father and son. Here's why. French language, probably the most internationally significant Romance language in the world. At the beginning of the 21st century, French was an official language of more than 25 countries.

  7. Wikipédia est un projet d’encyclopédie collective en ligne, universelle, multilingue et fonctionnant sur le principe du wiki. Ce projet vise à offrir un contenu librement réutilisable, objectif et vérifiable, que chacun peut modifier et améliorer. Wikipédia est définie par des principes fondateurs.