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  1. Madness Day is a holiday on Newgrounds celebrating Krinkels's Madness Series when flash artists submit Madness Tributes. It occurs on September 22nd. Newgrounds provides prize money awards for the top voted winners, who are chosen by Krinkels.

  2. 23 de sept. de 2009 · This game is a shot-by-shot playable remake of Krinkels' Madness Consternation! We took a few liberties but overall tried to match the progression pretty closely. Enjoy!!! Also note the fun fan-art gallery, showcasing stuff from the Art Portal! HAPPY MADNESS DAY 2009! UPDATE: Sept 23 - Final boss bugs should be fixed! Clear your cache.

    • (26.9K)
  3. Madness Day o Día Madness es un día festivo en Newgrounds que se celebra cada 22 de Septiembre, muchos artistas presentan ributos de Madness para este día tales como animaciones y videojuegos. Newgrounds ofrece premios a los ganadores más votados, elegidos por Krinkels. La celebración se lleva a….

  4. The 17th annual day of Madness on NG, celebrating the Madness series by Krinkels! Be sure to snag MADNESS: Project Nexus on Steam! Browse Art Browse Music Check out the winners!

  5. Celebrate the 15th annual day of Madness on NG, featuring fan-made animations, games, music and art based on the Madness series by Krinkels. Watch the trailer of Madness: Project Nexus, the live action sequel to the popular online game, or check out the winners of the Madness Canvas Collab 2021.

  6. 18 de oct. de 2021 · The closed doors of our juror's quarters have finally opened. After some seriously combative deliberation we've sorted out what we can safely say are our three top ten lists. We got one for Animation, one for Art, and one for Music.

  7. 18 de sept. de 2023 · September 22nd is coming fast, and it will mark the seventeenth Madness Day here on Madness Combat has been on this site for over two decades, and we're sitting here celebrating yet another Madness Day because the fandom (read that as: you guys) keep the fire burning hot and we're going to champion that, put the love ...